"I do not do that Calypso, now would you tell me where you were?" She asked ignoring the question I asked.

"Fine, I was with the new girl doing the project because it's due Friday and today is Wednesday. I care about my grades mum." I said.

"You're grounded until next Friday." She sighed and started to walk out the door.

"Mum! That's not fair!" I shouted.

"Don't talk to me like that! I am your mother and you're going to respect me." She raised her voice.

"Calum has sneaked out every time and you've known and you've never done anything about it!" I exclaimed.

"Because Calum is older than you." She started to calm down making me mad by the second.

"Seriously! That doesn't make any sense! He was sneaking out when he was the same age as me and you're going to ground me?!" I yelled.

"Yes because Calum can handle himself." She said like nothing.

"Well I guess I know who your favorite is." I scoffed and walked out. I walked to my room and slammed the door. Oli was right there on my bed waiting for me.

"Oli, you like me right?" I asked him. He started to lick my tears away and that made me a bit better. I pet him and laid my head on his stomach. I fell asleep with tears running down my face.

*The next morning* Calum's POV*

I still haven't apologized for what I said to Cals and I feel awful for saying what I said. I guess she was right about me, I've let fame in my head towards her and I'm not like that. I've treated her like shit and it was barely the first day back and I have to make it up to her. I just feel like we don't have that special bond anymore, whenever I come back from a break from tour we always have to fight when I get back or when I leave and that's not healthy for a brother and sister to do.

"Mum, what time is it?" I asked pausing the game I was playing with Luke.

"It's 14:30pm (2:30pm) Calypso is waiting for me." She said and got the car keys.

"Do you mind if we pick her up?" I asked.

"Sure but don't you think you'll draw attention?" She asked worried.

"Why do you say that?" I asked grabbing the keys from her.

"Nothing Cal, go pick up your sister." She smiled. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and tossed the keys to Ashton.

"Why am I driving, we are picking up YOUR sister." He whined and walked out the house us following.

"Because you drive better than us." I lied.

"I do?" He smiled. I nodded. I didn't feel like driving and neither did Luke and Michael, we had it figured out. So Ashton drove us to her school and Ashton decided to beep, drawing attention to us and we ducked except for Ashton. Girls started to mob the car.

"Nice going Ashton! You never use the horn!" I groaned out.

"Sorry." He apologized. I was getting a call and it was Cals.

"Really? Why did you come and pick me up?" She asked angry.

"Because I thought it would be a great sister and brother bond." I told her.

"Wow a bond? You picking me up was the stupidest idea ever." She said still angry.

"Why are you getting mad at me Calypso? I just wanted to do a nice brother thing." I said.

"Because! If you haven't noticed you are famous and girls know who you are now! It was fine when you picked me up in 2012 because you weren't that famous yet." She replied.

"Now I guess I'm going to have to walk home, thanks for nothing." She sighed and hung up.

"I've messed up big time." I sighed. I suddenly heard a megaphone go off, I've never heard a really loud one before.

"Attention horny girls! Get away from the car right now or the police will do it for you." I heard someone say from it. They all cleared out and I saw my sister come out.

"Thank you now go away because they are not going to get out of the car. That's the truth." She dropped it like she was saying a rap and came inside the car.

"I advise you to step on it before they mob the car again." She said and Ashton drove off. We all began to laugh.

"Horny girls? Do you seriously think of them like that?" Luke laughed.

"Yes I do, from now on don't pick me up. I'm thankful for the gesture but don't do it again." She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Can I tell you guys something?" She asked.

"What?" We all replied.

"I'm probably going to get expelled for that." She said.

"What! Why?" Michael gasped.

"Because I took the megaphone away from the Principal and I said what I said in front of him." She said.

"Mum is going to kill you now." I told her.

"She'll understand Calpal." She answered.

"What? How?" I asked.

"She knows more about school than you do Calum." She sighed. We've drifted apart and that was the confirmation.

But maybe that can easily get repaired.



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