Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Forty-Five

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It's been a while since I wore anything like a tuxedo. I look in the mirror, trying to fix my elegant tie. Medieval and Renaissance styles of clothing are combined in a formal suit. I think it leans toward a military uniform more than anything else. At the entrance to the room, I caught a glimpse of Lucianne. In an elegant lavender formal dress, she made her eyes look radiant. It was impossible to take your eyes off her beautiful features. The slit on the right side of her dress went almost up to her crotch. She wore white pantyhose, a garment I didn't know existed in their world. I suppose there was a nicker or an equivalent during medieval times, but I wasn't quite sure of that. She wore blue jeweled high heels that made her even more sensual. The most dazzling part was her bosom. Her breasts were so succulently hanging freely.

Beside her, Cathy wore a light red formal dress. An almost mirror version of Lucianne's dress. Her eyes are even more stunning than ever. A slit up her left leg went right to her crotch. If she wasn't careful, she would expose herself. Quite daring for Cathy. She, too, had white pantyhose garments. She looked even more seductive with the look. Adding sparkle to her look was her pair of sparkling white heels. Each movement was accentuated by her voluptuous breasts jiggling. There was nothing but perfection between the two. Then I notice the looks on their faces. Something tells me things are about to get complicated. Lucianne made her way over and helped me fix my tie. Cathy sits on the bed the whole time, eyeing both of us. She wasn't mad but more reserved. The banquet will be starting soon. Once Lucianne was satisfied, she sat on the bed beside Cathy.

"Which one of us will be your date tonight?" Cathy asked.

"Both... I'm not interested in upsetting either of you tonight," I answered.

"Is that the best solution?" Lucianne asked.

"I can't choose between you anymore. It's impossible to do at this point. Now I have to worry about what the Countess has requested of me," I explained.

"You mean this proposed marriage between you and her daughters?" Cathy asked.

"Yes, I know her plan, but that's still a huge problem. This marriage isn't going to dissuade the King from his ambitions," I said.

"You are a lord now. One is still closer to becoming a Baron, perhaps. It only makes sense that she is offering you her daughters. I wouldn't be surprised if other nobles did the same. This fort and mines are a strategic gold mine. You're only going to rise in rank from here," Lucianne said.

"Why not marry us then?" Cathy suggested.

That was a bit of a surprise to both of us. Cathy must have become really close to Lucianne for her to suggest this. A strong bond exists between her, Toria, Tonia, Sissel, and Nifu. Since I joined the group, we have made significant progress. Cathy has come into her own. We all have to be honest. 'Would I marry them all?' That was a difficult question. It's not a matter of, would I? More of them would allow such an arrangement. I would do it to keep them all safe if I could. It makes sense that they would do the same for me. Cathy already doesn't want to leave my side.

"There's no law against it, right?" Cathy asked.

"No, not here in this country," Lucianne said.

"We should address this issue after the assault," I said.

"I'm holding you to that...," Cathy whispered.

"And so will I, Lord John Thomas...," Lucianne whispered.

Both looked ready to pounce on me at any moment. If it wasn't for this banquet, I would happily do so. However, other things weigh on my mind. I need to speak with both Baronesses before they leave. I extended my hand, and they both took it simultaneously. A quick glance at each other, and they held my hand together. Seeing them up this close, I could tell neither wore undergarments. 'Did they plan on going farther together? Who knows, these two are becoming a solid powerhouse team. I'm glad they are in my corner.' I escort the two beauties to the awaiting banquet. This was indeed a night to remember.

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