Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Thirty-One

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This mansion has two libraries, one on the first floor and another on the third floor. As a habit, I'm systematic when researching. The first-floor library was my first task. As I approached the location, I heard voices from Cathy and Lucianne. They sound to be discussing something rather important. I stop and listen as best I can.

"So, you are pursuing John as well," Lucianne said.

"Why, it doesn't concern you," Cathy countered.

"I realize you may have known him longer, but I think he is more suited to me than you...," Lucianne stated.

"You're right; you haven't known him as long as I have. So, therefore, I am better suited than you, isn't it?" Cathy snapped.

"Oh... here I was thinking we were getting along. I knew what you were after I saw you in the cute little getup," Lucianne said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Cathy said.

"You're oblivious, too afraid to tell him how you feel," Lucianne stated.

"As a matter of fact, I have already," Cathy said.

"Well. that makes two of us...," Lucianne said.

"Ladies, I don't see what the fuss is all about. Is it not fair to share a man you are interested in?" Nifu said.

"Sheesh, when did you get here?" Cathy blurted.

"Another competitor, I see," Lucianne said.

"We don't have to be rivals, darlings. I'm sure my master has an interest in all of us. Even Sissel and her masters," Nifu stated.

"You big breast freak! Stop using your assets to steal John from me!" Cathy snapped.

"Dear, my lady, you have no room to talk, considering you blatantly flaunt yourself in that revealing yellow dress," Nifu countered.

"Lucianne loaned this to me!" Cathy said.

"Cathy, you are quite large in that regard," Lucianne said.

"Huh??? So are you, Miss August!" Cathy said.

"Ladies, I think you all should calm down. We have other things we can assist John with. He's doing everything he can to ensure our safety," Sissel said. "You forget, Toria and Tonia have feelings for him, too. So, I assume it's not easy being him," Sissel said.

They all look at each other for a moment. Still trying to figure out what to say.

"What about Lythienne? How does she feel?" Cathy asked.

"She's interested, but is committed to Searl. Those two have a close bond and common goal," Sissel revealed.

"At least we don't have to worry about her for now," Lucianne said.

"I wouldn't quite put it that way...," Lythienne whispered.

"Ah... when did you get here?" Cathy said.

"Elves have good ears...," Lythienne said.

"This is so unfair... Why do I have to compete with all of you?" Cathy said.

The atmosphere in the room is getting tense. I should step in. A hand on my shoulder held me back before I could move. It was Searl. "You don't want to enter that fray. Let it play out," he whispered.

"Ladies... It seems we are at a crossroads. My sister and I have come to a mutual arrangement. We all have John on our minds. Some are even interested in the warrior Searl. Both are strong and attractive... but we are about to embark on a dangerous mission. Let's not make them choose during this difficult time. We know it's hard, but we must be strong too and become stronger," Toria said.

I never saw those two be so responsible. The women agree with her words. Even Cathy seems to understand. Searl pats me on the back and signals for me to follow. "Our work is cut out for sure. We're going to need help. I heard of a skilled warrior in Felicity's Shelter. We should seek him out," Searl said.

"Good idea... What's this skilled warrior's name?" I asked.

"Goes by Stein Maximillian. A swordsman like myself is skilled at magic as well. A very rare trait for a swordsman. The details about him are few, but he's rumored to be a knight," Searl explained.

"Let's find him first, before we do anything. He might have useful information," I said.

"Do you have any ideas about what to do if and when we find this virgin vampire?" he asked.

"First, we interrogate any Dark Templars that we come across. By any means necessary, short of killing them. I know it may seem cruel, but consider this. What are they doing to brainwash these virgins? And why? I saw Isa. That is complete brainwashing. Odds are the same is happening to Marie and Minah. We need to know how it's being done and how long it takes. That means getting to your sister and Lythienne's sister as fast as possible," I explained.

"Then I suggest Searl, and I leave at once. We can use Sissel too." Lythienne said from behind.

"Are you sure?" Searl said.

"We should get a lay of the land first. Like we have been doing. Two slaves and a master should be inconspicuous," she said.

"I should go with you," I said.

"Alright, we leave in the morning. I'll let the others know. A few of the guards from the city can escort them the day after we leave," Searl said.

"It's a week's trip. A day's head start can also allow us to feel out the route. If we run into trouble. We just wait a day," I said.

"Alright, I'll get some supplies together and talk to Sissel. What about Nifu?" she asked.

"She's fast like Sissel. If it comes down to it, Sissel can go to her and bring her back to help if we run into anything. Otherwise, she's on call," I said.

"Alight, I need to see Lucianne. See you later," I said.

It's time to set our game plan in motion. My next stop was the library. There is still a conversation between Cathy and Lucianne. As soon as I enter, they stop. There is a touch of red on both of their faces. I understand why. Having many women interested in me should excite me beyond belief. Unfortunately, my mind won't allow me to be. All I saw and felt was a need to protect them. What Lucianne and Cathy caused me to feel made it more clear. I can't lose one of them at this point. I straighten myself and head over to them in the library.

"You said you had some ideas about this estate?" I said.

"Well, if things go the way I predict, you can use the Tavern and Inn to generate a steady income. I can if you want to set up shop in the Inn. I also know someone that would love to use the tavern and another that's an excellent stable master," Lucianne explained.

"Wow, that's a perfect idea. I thought I could grow a few Theobroma cacao trees here too. Can I ask what you mean by saying you can predict?" I said.

"I predict you'll become the lord of this estate in the not-too-long future. So I have a keen eye for these things," she revealed.

"Hmph... How do you know these things?" Cathy asked.

"It's Keen Foresight, a trait I have. But, of course, you have an inclination for this foresight, too, if you control your fierceness," Lucianne said.

"Oh, is that so? Am I supposed to learn this from you?" Cathy said.

"That's a great idea, Cathy. You are brilliant. Plus, you two make a good team," I said.

"Hey, that's not what I meant, and you know it...," Cathy mumbled.

"Well, I could teach her to hone her trait," Lucianne said.

"Thank you, that would be a great help," I said.

"Hold on, is anyone listening to me? How do you even know I have this trait or whatever?" Cathy asked.

"Trust me, you do," Lucianne and I said together.

"If there isn't anything else. I'm going to read some of the books Sissel brought from the hideout," I said.

Cathy frowned, but let it go for now. We knew we should learn as much as possible while things were relatively safe. So, I stack a few books on a table next to a window and immerse myself in it even more.

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