Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Six

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I closed the book with a thump. It is fascinating to read. Magic is more like science than I realized. There is a logical structure to how it works. The core of magic relies on straightforward mechanics rooted in a fundamental foundation to determine what, how, and what type of magic one can wield. Two factors determine one's mana, internal mana, and external mana. Everyone possesses a degree of internal mana that can grow over time if nurtured properly. There is no set limit to how far one can go in terms of internal mana. Magicians, mages, sorcerers, witches, warlocks, and wizards are those who can draw on that power. That includes the rarer types, like witches, sorcerers, warlocks, and other spell casters.

Wizards, the more common type, can only draw external mana and are the most specialized of all spell casters. They use grimoires bound to them once they begin their path. There isn't a limit to how much mana they can use, as it depends on the spells within their grimoires. They come in many shapes and sizes, but some are stronger than others. It's not the grimoire, but the spells within the grimoire. They have the ability to learn magic as if they were alive. That means a wizard can only remember a spell their grimoire is capable of learning. That determines how powerful a wizard will become and establishes rank. A person is one or the other. Then there are special types that, from what I can glean, are from different worlds. It is the rarest of all magical abilities. 'I wonder which type I am. A special, maybe? I understand that this is likely. However, it is still unclear what that means.'

The subject of magic has piqued my interest once again, so I pull a few more books out and place them on a table. Knowing this world's history and, more specifically, this country's history is worth understanding. Research is one of my greatest strengths. More than ever, I am relying heavily on this skill to find any way I can to save Minah, Marie, and the others. Even now, I do not know how many employees from the radio station got summoned to this world. It's a Friday night, one of the busiest nights, even for a small local station. KEJX-8's reach included several counties around ours. That meant the station would have many people on call for the overnight shows. It pains me they don't know someone's alive here that knows they are alive. I'm planning to save all of them. I know Dominatonia and Dominatoria will help me if they are desperate enough to bring someone like me into their world. I would do all I could to help them, too.

I headed back to the living area after finishing several books. My mother always said I had a talent for speed reading. I can read a book with a hundred thousand words reasonably fast without feeling tired. In fact, before working at the plant, I rarely slept more than a few hours at a time. I spent many of my days researching and reading book after book. Of course, I took time to keep myself healthy, but I always had the itch to learn more. When I entered the living room, they were still sleeping on the couch all these hours later. All that complaining about working long hours has paid off. I can crash later. It's time to do what Doctor Spencer does when he has a project that piques his interest. He would dream of having a chance like this. I returned to the library to begin my information gathering. Something caught my eye again.

"Wasn't this door closed?" I whispered.

The storage room with all those mysterious items is open. When I checked the layout earlier, I knew I had closed it. A light flickers off something inside. My interest peaked, so I entered the room. On a shelf, a sparkling jewel of a very brilliant design. It gave off an odd light despite the room being dark. I picked it up, and a force knocked me backward.

"Damn, what is that?" I question in a curious whisper.

The jewel floats in the air, pulsating waves of force. These pulses seem to radiate toward me. I can feel the energy flowing into me. Then it shatters into dust particles. I can still feel the waves from the jewel. The book I read said something about this. An object of power, if I'm not mistaken. These objects are external sources of magical energy. They used these in spell casting. 'Did I absorb it? Was that even possible?' There is no doubt I felt two distinct magical energies inside me. One I know is internal mana. The other is the energy from the jewel. I felt lighter and yet stronger. I don't know what this means for me right now. The only way to understand how this will affect me is to continue my research.

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