Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Good choice... John...," a voice said.

A sudden burst of consciousness hits me at one time. Sheer pain rattles my brain. The blurriness slowly eases away, revealing a bedroom. The soft rays of the morning sun peek inside. That voice was Firosa's. 'Who or what is she? Just how long was I out this time?' Annetheria's weeks are ten days long, six weeks every month, and their years are twenty-five months long. Every day I spend doing nothing is one more day. Minah and her sister are left alone with those Templars. Now, I have two parasites to deal with. I look at my hands. One has white bone metal-like plates, and the other has black coal rock-like plates. 'I suppose I have six hearts now?'

"Am I becoming a monster?" I whispered.

This must be Felicity's Shelter. I could smell the salt of the northern ocean and the cool chill of the air. A fireplace opposite the bed warmed the room. I sat up before getting out of bed. Someone neatly stored my stuff in a basket near the nightstand. The revolver lay on the nightstand, and a short sword hung on the way behind the lamp. I turn to the window and open the curtain. A breathtaking view of the city with the ocean fills the picture. I'm tempted to stay longer, just taking in the view. There would be time for things like that later. I dressed and left.

I spotted two of the others in the lounge area. Tonia and Toria greeted me in their usual manner. Big hugs and kisses as if I deserved it. In their human form, they were still as noticeable as ever, wearing flamboyant but sensual dresses that would catch any man's or woman's eye. These two can't help but flaunt what they are blessed with. I got a full update on matters. Another three days had passed since the events in the forest. Seems like a pattern is emerging. The same thing happened to them when they used powerful magic. 'These systems must use magic as well.' There was also the matter of how Riona and I went to a different world. I see she hasn't mentioned that at all. In fact, she was very tight-lipped on what actually went down. She's agreed to cooperate with us. Stating that I saved her life. Lythienne is questioning her while Searl and Jobrac look for clues around town. I'm surprised the giant dwarf is willing to help us. This must have something to do with Lady Penelope and her followers. They did hire us and seem to want to assist in our investigation. Lucianne and Cathy are dealing with them at the moment. That leaves Sissel and Nifu. They're around somewhere talking to the city folk. These two here were told to watch over me while I was out. That sums up most of what I have missed so far.

Lucianne is keeping detailed reports of what we find. Being a shop owner means keeping detailed ledgers. The vampire Baron's daughter was here. More recent than we'd assumed. Something is off about the circumstances around her disappearance. 'How can she be seen around the city days after her supposed kidnapping?' Her appearance was usually late at night to early morning. As pure blood, the sun had no effect on her. Another thing bothered me. Vampires are notoriously hard to subjugate. You would have to be their master or a high-level mage to even do so. 'What would the Dark Templars want with her? Could this ancient god brainwash her too?' I need to get some answers from Riona. Somehow, the hold they had on her was weakening. My theory about drugs may be correct. If so, then that counts as brainwashing Asphodel Elissa Visigoth.

Toria and Tonia haven't said much since they caught me up. I better find out what's wrong before talking to Riona.

'What's with your non-talkative demeanor?' I asked.

"You almost died again...," Tonia said.

"No one was there to help you. As a result, we feel useless," Toria said.

"There's no need. An Anathema is unlike anything in this world. They are machines of war. Meant to kill in the most effective yet brutal way possible. You're not ready to face them. No one truly is... but I'll make sure you know how to defend yourself if you ever have to face one," I said.

"Promise???" they said eagerly.

"It's a promise," I said.

"When do we start?" they said excitedly.

"You better put some better clothes on. Those won't do," I said.

They happily went off to change clothes. I thought about this long and hard after that first encounter. Everyone needs to know how to fight the Anathema. I better make sure everyone is ready for what comes next. It's best to prepare for the worst. Starting now, every free moment we have goes to training.

"A prudent choice...," a voice said.

This is Helena's voice. 'What's going on? Why do I hear their voices?' First Firosa and now hers. This doesn't make sense. 'What's happening to me?' 

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