Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Ten

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In a flash of tremendous wind, she was gone. The wind was so forceful that Cathy fell into me, knocking us into the wall. A burst of smoke came from her chest. She jumps off seconds later. Her face turns a bright red as she looks down at her chest. She looks at me in disbelief as her breasts grow rounder and plumper by several cup sizes, producing the appearance of giant cantaloupes. Under her breasts burns the same two symbols in gold. The size of her gourds is approximately the same as Sissel's breasts. Her face went from bright red to deep red with an expression of complete shock. Her blush deepens when she realizes I can see her larger areolas and perkier nipples.

"Noooo!!! Look away now!" she squealed.

"Calm down! I wasn't looking intentionally!" I countered abruptly.

"Ahhh!!" Cathy cried as her hand connected with my face.

The sheer force of her slap launches me dozens of feet through the front of the main building and into the concrete parking lot. My body went across the paved concrete like a mule plowing a field. I felt like it shattered my jaw for a moment. It took several moments for my blurry vision to return to normal. Thankfully, the pain passes quickly. I merely sat in the spot I landed. At that point, I realized my body had flown past several cars. 'Just one of those could have caused an explosion if I had slammed it into it.' The first thought that entered my mind was, 'How???' That should have broken my neck at the very least, let alone busting through a concrete wall. 'When did she get that strong?'

There is an abundance of laughter reverberating in the main building from the gorgeous twin vixens. They walk through the main building's blown-out opening. As Dominatoria aggressively rolls back and forth in the concrete parking lot outside the main building, Dominatonia pats Cathy on the back. I can see why this might amuse them if it wasn't at my expense. That display of physical prowess was extraordinary and frightening.

After a few minutes, I got up and dust myself off, amazed at how well my gear and clothing had survived. I began walking back once I was sure everything was undamaged.

"I see my pain is amusing the two of you, but can you explain how this happened?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

The laughter of Dominatoria grows louder as she kneels on the pavement, slamming her fist against it. The answer to my question came from her sister.

"She has the seals now, so this may be an example of a power bestowed upon her," Dominatonia revealed.

"P-Power??" Cathy stuttered, trying to avoid Dominatoria's rolling fiasco.

She was a well-mannered woman. Professionalism and courtesy are evident in everything she does. There was no doubt why she was friends with Minah.

"Yes, your friend John Thomas is the successor to the God King Sol. You should be grateful he has endowed you with his blessed and divine power," Dominatoria said as she lay on her back, looking towards Cathy with a devious grin.

"You're getting ahead of yourself. I'm no God King or whatever that implies. I'm sure this is just an example of her internal mana," I explained, dusting myself off.

This white button-down shirt is now in ruins, but nothing a good wash can't fix. At least I can still wash it. Cathy still has this confused look while carefully covering her chest.

"This world has magic in it. That's probably what you used just now. People from other worlds often have amazing powers," I said, pausing for a moment. "You should really change into something more comfortable," I suggested.

"All I have are shirts like this, and I don't have a bra either," she snapped.

'Right, she didn't have a bra to begin with!'

"Of course you don't," I whispered.

"Sissel can pick up something for her. I'll send her a mental message," Dominatoria said.

"You can do that?" I said, looking down at her.

She was now lying on her stomach, holding herself up with her arms.

The long legs of hers sway back and forth like those of a kindergartener. As if that devious grin wasn't wide enough already, it was even wider now. 'Man, she really has the whole fuck me now kind of thing going on to perfection.

"Yes, as a familiar, she has a constant connection to us," Dominatonia explained, tilting her head towards Cathy, who backed away instantly at her expression.

Dominatonia gave her such a provocative, erotic gaze that Cathy's face turned bright red again.

"Ahem... That's... interesting. We'll rest here until Sissel gets back. In the meantime, I'll move these cars to a safer location. The rest will have to stay here," I said.

"Out here, no one will come across them by chance. The Dark Templars have no reason to return, but they do not have a reputation for sharing information with others. So the rest are going to be left untouched," Dominatoria said as her wings flapped slowly.

Cathy didn't seem to have a problem with the current plan. She looks a little better now that she knows other people she knew were here, and maybe more. I hoped that wasn't the case. Cathy kept her distance from Dominatonia, who leisurely skipped closely behind her everywhere she went. Dominatoria would abruptly burst into a laughing fit whenever her eyes came to me. I never thought someone could laugh so damn much, but this girl can run her on a comedy show. Every so often, Dominatonia commented on Cathy's appearance, causing her to turn a deep red. 'They really are succubi! They fit every word of the description.' There is one thing they all have in common. There were four virgins in our group, including me. The one difference is I was the only male to date.

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