Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Forty-Four

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Thanks to Cathy and Lucianne's late-night visitation, I woke up again. Everyone else is up and about now. Those two are still sleeping where I placed them last night. I don't think anyone else knows what we did. None of my three residents have expressed feelings about last night either. This was good, I hoped. I dressed in my usual attire. It wasn't what I would wear if I was in my world. Lucianne takes care of all those things for me. Now that I think about it, she did many things like that, even for Cathy or the others. There is a lot I have to work out with all of them. The problem was time. 'How long before the Dark Templars respond to losing this Fort. Or how the King of Euphoria will act.' I'm sure time isn't on our side. A guard came into my study. One of the templars. He informs me that Sear and his team are back. They've brought company, too. I can only imagine who this company is. A knock on the door came as it typically does now. Erica and Jane entered. Since they've been here, we've barely said two words. They wore matching white and black dresses.

"Listen, we've been talking about this. Let us join you on your next mission. I believe we can help you achieve your goals," Jane said.

"I know we aren't technically your sister, but as we see it, we're family. So we want to help you any way we can," Erica said.

"I was hoping to talk with you too. Your Dad... did he disappear? Do you have another brother named Allen?" I asked.

"Yes and no," they both said.

"Our dad disappeared right before the war," Erica said.

"We don't have a brother named Allen, but we have an older sister named Alice," Jane said.

"She disappeared shortly after the war broke out. Like so many others." Erica said.

"I thought so. My father and older brother also disappeared during the war. So when we first met, I thought we were family. Then... I saw your real brother. General Fist was trying to save him, but the attack...," I revealed.

They both tensed up a bit. "I... I see," Jane said.

"I need to tell you. Something happened when I came into contact with him. Somehow... we fused. Or something like that. It's how I got this black A.D.I.O.S. I have some of his memories. He came back to your world to save the two of you. That was his plan. I believe he was summoned to another world like me," I explained.

"So he knew he would die? Just to save us?" Erica asked.

"That's what I gathered. He knew a version of himself might take you to another world. Regarding the world, you live in. I think it's safe for now," I said.

"Thank you for telling us...," they both said.

"Yeah...," I whispered. "When the next mission comes, you are on board," I said.

"Sir, thank you!" they said, saluting.

I returned their salute, and they left. They took that better than I expected. Our family is tough as nails. This also concerns me. I may run into more versions of myself and them. Doctor Spencer confirmed that although our D.N.A. is similar. It's distinctively different. Certain marks from my world are not present in theirs. Making them, at best, genetically comparable. The Breach War never ended. Here I am in the middle of a war again. Adelard proved that when he and his men retreated into a breach. 'How did he open a breach without an emergence blast or a projector?' Those words he said. It's the same way I escaped with my alternate sisters and their squads. Another knock from the chamber door echoes. A templar steps in and salutes.

"Sir, Countess Domirella is arriving," he said.

"I guess I better go out to greet her," I said.

The templar saluted again and led the way down to the courtyard.

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