Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Fourteen

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Tonia and Toria were our guides, leading us to the seventh tier of Tranquility's Harbor. From here, we could see the forest line of Holynoquin Dark Forest in the distance. The two succubi found delight in pointing out that the inns we suggested were not the ones they were taking us to. Many of them were outlandishly extravagant in their appearance. After a while, we arrived at the hotel they agreed on. They ran giddily ahead before turning around to look at the rest of us.

"Toda! Here it is!" they both said in unison with their arms spread open in a welcoming gesture.

"This one looks fine," Cathy said, looking at me.

"Right... Let's get checked in. The sun is going down soon," I said with a smile.

The big sign on the front said 'Lucianne's Sirens Inn and Harpies Tavern.' From an outward appearance, the Inn was lavish but not outlandish. There was a greater sense of elegance and prestige at this Inn in comparison to the others. The white marble stone structures fit perfectly with the blue and golden trims of each building, highlighting its architecture. White panels offset the grayish-brown paneling with the patrons' symbols engraved like rare artwork. Lucianne's Inn took up three commercial spots on the block, with two wide roadways flanking its location. The Inn had two wide five-story buildings perpendicular to one another, forming a half square. A three-story building and a two-story building occupied the adjacent half-square. Together, they created one large compound, with the middle being an open and lavish courtyard. Several large stables took up the first floor of the two-story building, which had access to the road beside the Inn. I would compare it to a parking garage for cars in my world, but here, a patron would find no shortage of space for their stead. The second floor is probably the cheapest option for patrons staying only a night or two. A large carriage warehouse took up the entire first floor of the three-story building. Like the stables, it gave access to the road in front of the Inn. If I had to guess, there could be up to forty stage carriages. I'm sure the owner uses them to transport guests around the city at a premium. 'Whoever thought of this was surely a capitalist and a fine one at that!' For customers wishing more privacy, an outdoor cafe offers a pleasant view of the below-mentioned roads. Through a roof, one could gain access from the outdoor restaurant to the adjacent building.

The wrap-around balcony provided plenty of space to mingle. A variety of social guests would enjoy the view of the city. This place no doubt had enough patrons to sustain a business of this size, especially with the towering building next to the three-story building. I counted seven stories, which took up the entire lot, and shared a wall with the three-story building. A guest did not have to leave the comforts of the interior as the owner designed the establishment to be like an assortment of connected buildings. I wouldn't have thought there would be anyone with the foresight to construct such a structure unless they were from high nobility. Another five-story building took up the entire lot on the left of the main building facing the road. Patrons could access the Inn and tavern from all sides, but the tight security kept them safe at night. A minimum of six professional wrestler-style guards checked every patron entering and leaving every entrance. During peak periods, the establishment could accommodate well over a thousand patrons. The two roads beside the Inn were major throughways with tons of traffic. Whoever the owner was, they were exceptional with their placement and understood the finer details of running a successful business. I commend this forward-thinking individual for running a functional establishment. That was a person I could learn a lot from. Especially if I want to be successful and provide a carefree life for the people in my world. It would be difficult if I were alone in this world, but I have four people that can help me. I could not imagine roughing it to make a living in this world. The answer is you can't. That isn't possible when all you knew was a world that was carefree in comparison.

Domirella: The Surreal SuccubiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora