Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Eight

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'Right where I left it.' My black SUV was untouched. I doubt if someone found it, they would know what to do with it. There were the ruins of the radio station too. 'What remains of it, anyway?' Scavenging resources from there could prove valuable in the future. 'Maybe there are other objects from my world, too. Maybe even other worlds.'

I will have to keep my eyes open. Putting my hand on the car door, it opened before I entirely took hold of it. The keyless entry works appropriately. Inside the back is my go bag. I had enough supplies to survive seven days in this enormous rucksack. I also had a couple of large duffle-type backpacks with straps and backpack harness support. Since I left the military, I have kept one at home, in the garage, and in the back of my SUV. Over the years, I added several other packs inside my SUV, like the duffle bag backpacks and a few others. Aside from my primary gear, I had two additional ones. I even had a few at my mom's house, just in case. My work bags were here too. All my holo-Devices and files were here, too. I had everything I would need to survive a month or more by myself or with a small group after a disaster. 'If it's Breach, then surviving wouldn't be what I had to worry about.'

My car is a hybrid, as it runs on biofuel and solar panels. In this situation, fuel wouldn't be as big of a problem as it could be. Not yet, that is. I also had three drones in the back. Call it a hobby of mine, that and photography. Food, water, and shelter shouldn't be an issue with the current company. I opened the back, taking out a solar charger. As long as there is sunlight and the wind always blows, I'll have power. The roof of the SUV came with several built-in solar panels I can deploy when needed. There's also a hydraulic retractable wind generator. I can even hook up a portable water mill to connect to the SUV's power system. I had everything I needed and could make clean water anywhere I found myself. My holo-Phone was almost dead. There were tons of pictures I needed to download from my holo-Laptop. All those books held some interesting information. The scientist back home would love to get a look at this. On my holo-Phone alone, I had over a hundred thousand digital books.

"Hey... what are you doing?" Dominatoria asked.

"Charging my holo-Phone," I answered.

"What's that?" Dominatonia questioned.

I stopped for a moment to figure out how to describe its function. "It allows humans to communicate over great distances instantly," I explained.

"That sounds like magic to me. Like a crystal ball," Dominatonia said.

"What else do you have in this strange carriage? Does it not have a steed to pull it?" Dominatoria asked.

"It doesn't require a horse to move. Think of it like magic. We call it technology. That's what these other items are. I have some food, too," I explained.

"Food? What kind?" Sissel asked.

"Just food high in protein and calories," I said.

Before we left, they took the time to change into new clothes. Sissel wore a white leotard-like outfit with what I guessed were long over-the-knee boot warmers. The open-toe and heel kind. The twins wore clothes that resembled each other in blue and purple, respectively. I can't say they weren't appealing. Walking barefoot while wearing leather boot warmers wasn't entirely comfortable for me. They also wore long leather open-finger gloves. It seems it was more for looks than for practical use. Luckily, I didn't have that problem. I always carry spare clothes in the back. There was enough for a week or two, considering I washed them before work. I have extra food, the non-perishable kind too.

"Sissel, why are you... still in your human form?" I asked.

"Whatever you did seems to have prolonged my transformation. However, it will take some time to wear off," Sissel explained.

"Don't worry about that. Now we get to play with Sissel more!" Dominatonia said.

"Oh yes, think of all the beautiful garments we can make you wear!" Dominatoria revealed.

"I see... that is... well," I said, not wanting to go further. "Anyway, I need to stop at where the Dark Templars took my friends. Do you think it's safe to go there?" I asked.

"Yes, those Dark Templars are long gone. So it shouldn't be a problem," Dominatoria said.

I handed them my extra backpacks. It takes a moment and an awkward demonstration to get them to wear them properly. It seems they never had to wear something similar. A likely possibility, as they are the daughters of a Countess. 'Are they even able to handle themselves in a fight?' I should take what I need. There was a thick patch of brush big enough to hide my SUV. It looks like an excellent place to stash the vehicle for now. It's just a few hours from their hideout, too. I marked the location on a map I drew earlier—a rough approximation of where I've been. I can compare it to any maps I find later.

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