Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Twenty-Seven

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'John... John... John Thomas!' a voice said.

'Someone's calling my name... where am I? This... this is the other side. Am I dead?'

"John..." a voice said again.

'This voice... I know it.'

"John! Get your shit together! We got an E.D.I.O.S. Ghost inbound!" my commander said.

This... this is the battle where I saw her... the day everything changed. Helena Hellesivg... a rogue E.D.I.O.S. Ghost. One of the most feared to grace the battlefield. She dances across the battlefield with a gracefulness I'd never known. Our company had orders to destroy one of the primary breeding facilities. We'd just completed the mission when we were recalled to the front lines. This was the day of the largest engagement in the war and the longest. Even an entire company of Pretorian Battle-suits weren't enough to bring her down. Neither were the Anathema and Ghost sent to kill her. She swayed the battle that turned the tide of the war alone. While my friends and fellow soldiers died around me, this angel of death pulled me out of the jaws of oblivion. 'But why am I seeing this? Why am I reliving this moment?'

"You were the only one like me. The only thing that matters...," a voice said.

I turn to the voice. It was Helena Hellesivg. She almost has pure white skin. Long ankle length silvery white hair braided into two pigtails. Her eyes are golden, burning like the sun. This goddess has a curvaceous body and large breasts and long legs. The armor-like plates form a bodysuit around her midsection, leaving the rest of her body free of clothing. All but her left arm. Bone plates similar to Anathema cover her upper arm down to a fearful giant hand of razor-sharp talons. No muscle connects the plates, but this metallic fiber takes its place. She stood a few feet from me. Yet there she was, fighting on the battlefield.

"What is this? What are you?" I asked.

"I never left you. You died on this battlefield. I gave life back to you," she said.

"That's not possible. How could I have died?" I asked.

"Your battle-suit was damaged to the point you would have died without intervention. There was no time. Your death was certain," she revealed.

"So, what is all this? Am I dead now?" I asked.

"No, I saved you from Anathema and the parasite," she whispered.

Heartbeats come from my chest. Tremendous pain hits me all at once.

"The pain in your eye won't go away until you face the cause. If you don't... another breach will open. It's merely a matter of time..." she whispered.

'What does she mean? Why the cryptic responses?' I collapsed from the pain. Everything fades away with my memories. 


"John... John... John Thomas!" a voice sobbed.

Someone's calling my name. 'Who was calling out for me? Is it Minah? Where am I? The last thing I remember is the monster.' The voice echoes in my mind. I'm not dead. I feel weak and also numb. It's hard to move. Light blinds me for a moment. Blurry silhouettes turn into people I know. Lucianne August is one of them. Shockingly, I recognize. It's Doctor Steven Spencer. The old gray-haired, wrinkled, tan skinned man with those thick bifocals' stares at me. His all too obvious large pointy nose is his signature look. If it wasn't for the presence of Ms. August and the two deviant succubi, I would have thought I was back home. I wasn't in the forest anymore. 'Fuck! The Anathema... it's still out there!' This was some sort of hospital room. Primitive but functional. The moment I move, reality reminds me of what happened. My body was flung like a ragdoll off my horse. I still need to warn them.

"The Anathema... it...," I mumbled.

"Stay still, my boy. You took quite a beating out there. Don't worry about the Anathema. It's dead as far as I can tell. You, on the other hand...," Doctor Spencer explained.

"What... What killed it?" I asked, my voice was barely audible.

"The trap you set killed one... but there were two. That one... is dead as well," he reveals.

"How??" I said.

"Sissel witnessed the monster attacking you. She got to you as fast as she could. By that time, it was dead. Shredded to pieces is what she described," Lucianne said.

"I have to see it," I said, trying to get up.

"We're in the capital now. You've been unconscious for two days. The army isn't allowing anyone in the area while the army investigates," Lucianne said.

"More importantly, you are in no condition to move. Not until we identify what this is...," Doctor Spencer said.

"The Edois... I was infected...," I whispered.

"This is no ordinary E.D.O.I.S. Of all the technology I have examined from the Breach, this is new. I've never seen one like this. You should be nothing but a mindless killing machine by now," he said.

"Where's Toria and Tonia?" I questioned.

"I believe they went to see the Countess," she replied. "Searl and Lythienne are with Cathy. She's having her mana examined right now," she explained.

"You did a great thing, John. I don't know what might have happened if you weren't there," Doctor Spencer said.

"You should get some rest. I'll have the specialist come see you later," Lucianne said.

Lucianne grips my hand tightly, putting on the best smile she could. She was forcing a smile. The concern was plain to see. I watch her leaving the room. Spencer lingers for a moment.

"I need to let you in on a few things once you are feeling better. Rest easy now, my friend," he said.

The doctor wasn't one to be emotional. He was a man of science. Above all else, Doctor Spencer's life is dedicated to the survival of our world. There are more than a few secrets hidden in his mind. He closes the door quietly. My left arm still was numb but everywhere it was painful. The bandages didn't hide the bleached white bone plates. It covered the left side of my upper chest and the right side with plates. I can only assume my spinal cord has been modified like all ghosts are. 'Did Helena Hellesivg really save me again? I have no memory after the parasite latched onto me.' I could feel them. Three distinct heartbeats beating in synchronization. I don't feel any different, but I know I am different now. She saved me again, yet that would imply I have had her heart up until now. 'Was it all a dream, perhaps?' I remember being among a handful of survivors after the battle. They massacred my unit, those monsters. 'How many physicals and examinations have I undergone since then? Rehabilitation alone took a year, and one more before the brass cleared me for combat.' I need to know what happened then and now. Something happened to me during that battle. Somehow, my left eye was infected with something from the breach. I have to find out.

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