Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Nineteen

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My first training session with Toria and Tonia went as well as expected. They aren't soldiers, but have the potential to defend themselves. If they can fend for themselves with self-defense training, all the better. I have to plan for every eventuality. No matter how small. Their eagerness to be of use is quite refreshing. I just hope they never see the horrors of war. It's something I may not be able to prevent, but I can lessen its effect on them. This first session wore them out. Luckily Sissel and Nifu returned and now are watching over them. This has given me the chance to speak with Riona. I knock on the door, and it creaks open. Lythienne smiles and invites me inside. Riona sat on a bed similar to the one I awoke in. Looks like she wasn't being treated like a threat at this point. I greet Lythienne and enter. Riona looks away for some odd reason. Before I could ask a question, Lythienne began explaining what she had told her.

"So far, all she's said is one of the monsters you told us about attacked you while she was trying to escape. You killed it saving her, but were nearly killed. As for the kidnappings, the purpose is still unclear. She's provided a rough location of where our target might be," Lythienne said.

"I told you, that's all I know. I haven't seen these friends of yours," she whispered.

As I figured, she hasn't told them what really happened. I can't understand why at the moment. Still, I could ask her why later. "Can you tell me what ordained means?" I asked.

"They have chosen me to serve a higher power. To be the bride of a coming god...," Riona said.

"Hence the virgin requirement. What is this god you speak of?" I questioned.

"An all-powerful god that will bring heaven to this world...," she whispered.

Somehow, she sounds like she doesn't believe the words she is saying anymore. I can see it in her mannerisms. If that's the case, this brainwashing requires some type of drug to convince its users to follow. That means most, if not all, are being held against their will. She's probably going over everything they told her. I suspect parts of her memories may be tempered with using other drugs.

"What do you remember about how you became a templar?" I inquired.

"I... I... I can't remember that far back. Nothing before my time with them comes to mind," she said.

"It's because you've been brainwashed. Your memories were either tempered with or erased. You don't owe them any obligation. Help us find our friends...," I whispered.

"Do you think she's in the right state of mind to help us? Can she be trusted?" Lythienne questioned.

"She can... when the Anathema hunted us, we were somehow transported to another world. A breach world. If it wasn't for her, I would have died over there. She dragged me to the exit point," I revealed.

"Then those people were...," she asked.

"Where from that world... I told them how to get to Doctor Spencer before I...," I said.

'The force that came over me. Was it Firosa or something else?' I consumed an Anathema. Pretty sure that confirms I'm a monster now. The Fact that Riona is still with us is a miracle. I held my right hand up to Lythienne. Showing her the state of my arm and the new runes. I hadn't had time to ask Riona if she had these new ones, but her eyes said yes.

"You need to check yourself for these new runes. The others should too. Even Searl and Jobrac. I don't know what's happening, but we'd better delve deeper into what a God King is," I said, with a serious tone. "For now, Riona is with us. We still need to be careful. One whiff of that drug might be harmful for her now. Our first priority is to find out what this drug is," I added.

Domirella: The Surreal SuccubiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora