Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Twenty

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"Enough of this! We can find more virgin candidates than this one measly elf. Kill them both before the city guard interfaces in our affairs!" the Templar ordered in a bellowing voice of authority.

The rank and file take a new tactic. Some charge at Lythienne. Their movements were so quick. There's no way he can defend her and fight them off at the same time. It's a matter of time before one gets to her. One or both of them will end up dead if no one intervenes. The loud sounds of clashing swords reverberate through the air like clanking metal. A blade lands right in front of me, crashing into the earth, still vibrating from the impact. Then... instincts took over, just like on that day I've been forcing myself to forget to this day. Even after all those years, it was like yesterday, yet it wasn't. I'd mentally prepared my mind all these years so the images are not clear as they should be. As long as I did not dwell on them, the images... the memories would remain fuzzy... And I could live with that. But at this moment, I did what I did then.

My hand moves on its own, gripping the hand of the long sword without the need to form a thought. My body just did. In milliseconds, I remove it from the Earth and clench it in both hands. The weight is lighter than I expected. I'm no sword fighter by any means, but I have marine training with bladed weapons and extensive martial arts training. Two of the warriors attacked with swiftness on par with Sissel. Before I could act, my left eye twitched painfully. The two templars look like they have multiple shadows moving toward me. Both swing at me, but I feel nothing. 'What is this? Didn't they land a blow against me?'

My eyes focus more and I realize they are still charging at me. Along the same path, the shadows took. Somehow, I can see where and when their attacks are coming. I need to take advantage of this. The first swing came at my chest, followed by a second. I blocked the first, then grabbed the warrior's arm. From there, I used a judo move to swing him into the other warrior. This knocks both of them off balance. Another shadow came from behind at my backside. When the actual attack came, I dodge under him and follow with a leg sweep to the attacker. He goes down hard, and I follow through with a powerful kick to the head. The other two stumble up, but I get to my feet first, kicking them both back into the ground. In moments, all three lay unconscious at my feet. I didn't waste time as more of the Templars ran towards the shop owner and me.

A loud voice erupted from all directions at once.

"Halt!" a warrior in silver armor said.

Everyone stopped in unison, looking at where the voice came from. I instinctively knew it came from the direction I had come and I glanced back towards the end of the entrance to this market.

"I say again, Halt! You are in violation of this city's laws. As Knights of a lawful Order, you are free to leave this city at once. Anyone who does not heed this order will face imprisonment!" the warrior in silver armor said.

A tall and well-built white-haired burly man in silver armor with several dozens of warriors behind him. He held his long bastard sword and pointed it at the Dark Templars. His eyes had the fire of a determined man behind them. The x-like scar across his face made him even more fearsome. His size only was three times larger than any Templars, the shop owner, or the ones I fought were. The silver knight's armor fit like they were normal clothing against his bulky body. He may be older, but this wasn't someone to take lightly. Neither are the soldiers behind him. 'They're seasoned veterans, no doubt.' With the fighting over, the templars gather around their caped commander. With a wave of his hand, they resign and quickly leave the scene. I had a feeling this wasn't over. The city warriors come over to me and look me over.

"Are you hurt? If not, you may continue your daily business at your leisure," he said.

"I'm not, but thank you for your assistance," I said, smiling.

"Very good. You seem to be a capable fighter. The city needs more good people like you. If I could only get Searl here to join up. We could keep those dogs out of the city more. To think not so long ago they were the feared Dark Templars but respected. I don't know what the world is coming to," he said, sighing.

"Captain Winters, you're late...," the shop owner said.

"I wouldn't be if you'd waited as I asked. This isn't the way to get Isa or Rophalin back," Captain Winters said with a tired look on his face.

"You don't know these Dark Templars as I did. Their rogues...," the shop owner said.

"Listen, you are going to get yourself killed without help. No one can take on odds like that alone. You know this, but you lie to yourself. If I were you, I'd find friends to help. Until then, at least don't get yourself killed inside the city. It's a hassle if you die," the captain said, leaving with his men.

After a bit of distance, he gave the shop owner a backward wave as he and his men rode off.

The shop owner returned the wave, then turned to look down at his friend. He bent down to the ground to help Lythienne up. They bruised her right eye to the point it was black. He looks at the shop that now was in shambles. A deep stain of blood is visible on his back from a deep gash. 'This man was a former Templar. Perhaps he has information I can use. Maybe we can help each other.' After all, we have a common interest now. Taking on these Templars alone seems impossible at the moment. Besides, whatever caused those predictive abilities takes a great deal of energy to use.

Lythienne stood up and gave the shop owner a nod.

"I'm okay," Lythienne said softly.

"Those two that did this to you paid for it with their lives. I have no regrets," the shop owner said, smiling at her.

Until now, I had not seen him smile. His entire personality was like night and day. 'Perhaps that man from yesterday was nothing but an act. A persona meant for others besides me. An act for reasons that are not clear.'

"Excuse me, I think we both may have a common interest. One that I think can be mutually beneficial to both of us," I said, extending my hand to the shop owner.

He took my hand and shook it.

"Yeah... You... you're the man I traded with yesterday. I'm surprised you can fight," he said. "Anyone that thinks giving a slave such a valuable commodity is of noble virtue," he added.

Seems he found out I gave her a little treat.

"I take it she isn't your slave?" I asked.

"No, I'm not. We are actually working together," Lythienne revealed.

"The candy bars must have gotten you the serpents you needed," I said.

"Yes, that is correct. But let me give you the proper introductions you deserve. I am Searl Andrion Ansfroi of the Northern Ice Plains. I once was the Keeper of the Demonheart Blade, but those days are no more. Your appearance came at the right time. My plan should've worked if Nald Fraurstaerr wasn't involved. He laid a counter trap, one that I fell for," he said, sighing as eyes went to Lythienne.

"Let's talk this over somewhere safe and out of the public eye," I suggested.

"I have reservations at Lucianne's Sirens Inn and Harpies Tavern. You may already know of it."

"As a matter of fact, I know of it and, of course, they have spies everywhere. I know a place. Back in the day, it was just Lucianne's Inn. My, how far she has come, I'm proud of her," he said with a smile that brought life to him unseen yesterday.

'This is the real Searl Andrion Ansfroi, once was the Keeper of the Demonheart Blade.'

Faith had given us a favor. His knowing Lucianne meant I could truly trust him. This is very convenient. Anyone acquainted with her would be an ally in my book. After all, she wouldn't befriend the 'riff raff' as her words phrase it. It's a place we both are familiar with. If I'm going to rescue Minah and Marie, they can help.

Domirella: The Surreal SuccubiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz