Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Thirty

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Rottbrandt Mansion is an impressive estate nestled outside Serenity's Asylum—a group of four main buildings surrounded by castle-level walls. The main entry was two grand gates. There is no doubt that this is an impressive estate—featuring four wings, this mansion has eight stories. This manor also has blue topped roofs, expensive white marble stone used in the villa, other buildings, and an entry driveway, like the Countess's castle. Although this estate is no longer owned, the Countess took exquisite care of it. 

Between the two, a great Tavern, large stable, and old inn allow guests to stay outside the estate but still have shelter from the dangers outside the walls. In addition to each being exquisite, the Tavern and Inn were fit for royalty. Those who wanted to stay more private could rent guest homes. Several prime breeds of horses are available for purchase or rental in the stable. There seemed to be a private force or guards protecting the estate. Inside, the main building was a white-stoned mansion flanked by two smaller buildings. A luxurious foundation accented the centerpiece of the central courtyard. Searl and Lythienne awaited my arrival.

"Welcome to the Rottbrandt Mansion, John Thomas," Lythienne said.

"This is quite the estate. Very impressive," I said.

"I was told the Countess has maintained it for some time. Yet, despite this, it appears that no one has taken up residence in the area in hundreds of years," Searl said.

"So, this is supposed to be a base of operations for the time being?" I asked.

"By the Countess's orders," Nifu said.

"Well, let's get started," I said.

The four of us ascend the marble steps inside. A grand foyer greets us. A large waiting room with all the bells and whistles lay to the left. Caty and Lucianne waited. To my surprise, the Countess is chatting with them. She wore the same garments from my last meeting with her. 'How did she beat us to the estate? On another note, where were Tonia and Toria?' They stood when we entered the large room.

"You finally made it," Cathy said.

"Now, we can start discussing our plan to rescue our primary target. Asphodel Elissa Visigoth of the Visio Aeternae. The ruler clan of all vampires. A pureblood coven ruled over all other pure, noble, and common-blood vampires. Asphodel went missing just a couple of weeks ago. As a pureblood, she is capable of burning a child. Her status as a virgin is a key factor in her disappearance," The Countess explained.

There was something off about Domirella. There was no longer that same presence. Suddenly, the allure was gone. Or it wasn't to the same extent. Almost like she wasn't putting any effort into it; I can only investigate this discrepancy.

"Didn't I just meet with you? Yet somehow you arrived here first?" I asked.

"No, she's been with us since we arrived," Lucianne said.

"In that case... who are you? Because Nifu and I just met with Countess Domirella," I revealed.

"Okay, you got us!" she said with a puff of smoke.

Tonia and Toria replaced the person standing before us with big smiles. "Okay, explain yourselves," I said.

"Well, we are Domirella, and at the same time, we are not. Currently, our Mother and aunt are the real Domirella. So we have to take over after they retire or pass on. That's the problem. The High King discovered this secret. It's why we need to overthrow our Mother and aunt," they explained together.

"We had no idea this was possible," Lucianne said.

"This is why we have to find this vampire, I suppose. Your Mother knows about your plan and hopes you succeed," I explained.

"Yes... it's really our only hope at the moment. If we get separated by marriage, there's no way we can succeed in our family line. If that happens, our country defaults to the High King," they explained.

"This country will no longer be an independent vassal," Searl said. "Very clever... he can gain all this country's resources without lifting a finger. All he needs to do is wait," he added.

"In that case, where do we look?" I questioned.

"Lythienne and I have been doing some digging. The last place anyone Asphodel was seen was in the city, but I heard a merchant talking a's Shelter a few nights ago," Searl said.

"Felicity's Shelter is the second capital of Venus's Cove. It's to the far north. The northernmost port city on the Hyperborean Ocean," Lythienne said.

"I guess we should start there. We should leave the morning after tomorrow," I suggested.

"Until then, we have much to do here," Searl said.

"I have some thoughts on that if you don't mind," Lucianne said.

"This estate needs a staff. I shall see to that," Lythienne said.

"Well, Cathy and I will hit the books. But, first, we need to brush up on our magic," I said.

"Sounds like a plan," Cathy said, smiling at Lucianne.

"Lucianne, let me know those thoughts too," I said.

"As you wish," Lucianne said, smiling at Cathy.

"Hey! What about us" Toria and Tonia blurted.

"Nifu is going to teach you a few things," I mumbled.

"Oh, and what is that?" Nifu asked.

"Get with Sissel. I'm sure she'll fill you in. On that note, where is she?" I asked.

"She's been running back and forth between our hideout all day. Probably in her room," Toria said.

"Okay, I'll check on her," I said.

Everyone went to tend to various things. Lythienne gave me a map with the layout of the estate. Sissel's room was on the third floor, as were all of our rooms. I will memorize the map for later reference. It's a good thing my memory is photographic. When I reached the third floor, I understood the layout well. The manor is lavish and luxurious. There are enough rooms for a hundred people, not counting rooms for the workers and servants. Finally, I reach the space that is marked as Sissel's. Before I can knock, the door opens up. I'm greeted with a hug. That's right; she drugged me to safety. I haven't seen her since that night. There was a lot of emotion coming from her, probably because I almost bought it. Her eyes were teary from crying. She wipes them before composing herself.

"It's good to see you are well, John Thomas," she said.

"I wouldn't be if it wasn't for you. That monster really did a number on me," I whispered.

"Well, if you hadn't killed it... we'd both be dead. So I'm thankful I was able to help," Sissel said.

"I killed it?" I asked.

"Yes, in one swift blow. It was about to attack me when you heard my cry. I've never seen anyone move that fast without the use of magic," she revealed.

"I don't remember much. The muscle memory may have triggered my reaction. I had... to do a lot during the war to survive," I whispered.

"It's understandable. To fight such horrific monsters is beyond incredible," Sissel whispered.

"You won't be in danger like that again. I won't let you get hurt," I whispered.

"I know...," she whispered.

"Anyway, if you must be a runner, please take Nifu with you. She's my new familiar. I don't want you going off alone anymore. Who knows what could happen? So I need you to be okay," I said.

She blushes red before nodding. I can't let her face dangers like that again. Magic or not, an Anathema is a formidable foe, even in this world. All it takes is one mistake for someone you care about to die. I didn't need to know her for long to care. War has a way of solidifying bonds quickly. She experienced a taste of war that this world has yet to see. I hope it stays that way, but we must prepare. Even a minor incursion can be catastrophic. I hugged her once more, causing her to cry a little more. 'Maybe Cathy can talk to her about what happened. I don't think she told the others I killed the monster. Probably for the best until I find out how or remember what happened.' I parted ways with her for now. Now I need to do more research.

Domirella: The Surreal SuccubiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz