Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Twenty-Two

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I'll leave the clothes hunting to Toria, Tonia, and Cathy. I left instructions with Cathy for them to find clothing fit for travel and fighting. Searl and Lythienne set out to search the stables. I trust they will find magnificent horses and a carriage to aid us in our journey. That left Sissel and me. One of the projects I want to experiment with is ways to generate income. Our journey will require us to make as many serpents as possible before we leave Tranquility's Harbor. So, I have Sissel retrieving a few items from my SUV. It is more convenient to have those items in question readily available than having her retrieve them on the fly. As for me, there's always more research to do. More observations to analyze. The idea that these Dark Templars may have the ability to bring anyone from my world is an existential threat. That could cause another breach to reopen. I cannot allow that to happen. This time, we may not close it again. A soft knock on the door and the sound of a woman's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"May I come in?" Lucianne whispered.

"Um, yes you can," I said. "The door is unlocked," I added.

The door opens slowly, revealing the mistress. Again, her stunning beauty is breathtaking. On par with perfection. Her yellow corset wrapped around her body. The dress flows around her figure as naturally as air itself. She was barefoot, which I found odd. In her hands was a small box. Yet there was a box just outside the door. My instincts tell me that's what she's really here for.

"These were extremely difficult to come by this time of year," she said, opening the box. "Seeds from the Theobroma cacao tree. Legend says it comes from another world. Like you, I suppose," she pointed out.

"I'm amazed you could get them so quickly," I said.

"Motivation is a potent driving force," she said, stepping forward.

"There is something else I like to give to you," Lucianne whispered.

She places the small box on the nightstand. I watch as she retrieves the box outside the door. Her figure was pleasing to the eyes. I could help to be reminded of how I felt when I was around Minah Reese. This woman was so much like her in more ways than I could understand. She looks back as she picks up the box. I can't help but gaze into her purple eyes. They are beyond captivating.

"I was once married when I was very young. My family betrothed me to a very rich man. My husband was kind, intelligent, and gentle. On the night we were to consecrate our marriage, thieves broke into our home, killing him mercilessly. I would have met the same fate had he not urged me to hide. The deeds of that night left me a widow and a virgin all at once. That is one of his favorite garments. He was a soldier and an adventurer of sorts. They should fit you perfectly...,"

I didn't need to say anything to know there was pain there. Saying no to a request like this was something I could not and would not do. She pulls out the garments. A reminiscent uniform of a cross between medieval nobles and eighteenth-century military officers. A white frilled button-down shirt with a black vest, black leather pants, and knee-high leather boots with a metal leg guard. There is even a large belt to go with it. I watch as she lays it out on the bed. 'Why is she different? Why, when I know so hardly anything about her? This woman, that I just met the night before, evokes feelings in me that only Minah has. Why, when Toria made her way into this same bed last night? When I could have had her with little or no effort. Why is Lucianne different? I already knew the answer to that. There's something she's been through. Something she hasn't said yet. I know because I have been through it too. They say that those who have the same pain gravitate towards each other.' I take her arm and turn her around. She doesn't even attempt to stop me. All I want to do is to get to know her. For her to know who I am. Her eyes look into mine with the same eyes I've seen in myself. She doesn't close her eyes until I kiss her. I didn't even notice until our lips touched. We held our lips together for what seemed like an eternity. Her body pressed against mine and I pulled her closer.

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