Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Thirty-Four

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With our camp set, we stopped after riding hard for days. "I can't believe it's been four days already. We're more than halfway to the city," I said.

"So far, it's been uneventful," Searl said.

"That's a good thing, isn't it?" Lythienne asked.

"It sure is. Camping for half a night has been tough. During the war, there were plenty of times I was sleep deprived but riding hard is on a different level," I said.

"What was this war you speak of like? Isn't your world more advanced?" Searl questioned.

The war thinking back, the war was brutal and sudden. Despite technological advancements, our world spiraled into a war like no other. For the first two years, the monsters terrorized the world. The E.D.I.O.S came later after we devised a way to cross over into the breach. What we found was an alternate Earth. Unlike ours, this world had long fallen to whatever intelligence is behind the breaches.

"It was... a raging storm. One day, our lives were normal. Next, the monsters were at the gates. As a result, we called the monsters Aeon Anathema. In terms of weaknesses, they were relatively strong. Extreme temperatures or fires were one of them. Their hides were so dense and thick that a hundred men couldn't take down one. But, on the other hand, they are fast and agile. Electricity is another weakness, but again, getting to their internal organs is near impossible," I explained.

"What is electricity?" Lythienne asked.

"Lightning, as you would know it, is used to power all things in our world," I explained.

"I saw those armored men the other people from your world brought. Are they not capable of slaying these monsters?" Searl said.

"The Pretorian Battlesuit, yes, they are capable, but piloting one is difficult. You need special training to use one. The problem is the sheer number overwhelms us. For every hundred a pilot would slay, there were hundreds more. Still, without those suits, we would have been wiped out," I revealed.

"Do you think this will happen to our world?" Lythienne asked.

"You have magic in this world. Something we never had. That could be a decisive advantage. You destroyed one with that ambush, from what I was told. This would have never been possible in our world on such short notice. We had weapons capable of doing the same thing, but those same weapons aren't available in the few hours of a breach," I said. "Besides, those types of weapons aren't like magic. We don't have spells to protect us. An explosion like that could kill innocent people and bystanders along with the monsters," I added.

"I can't imagine the type of warfare you experienced. It is a blessing that we have you here in our world. That alone could be advantageous," Searl said.

"If there is another breach, we will be ready. If your world is about to be invaded, the breach you saw is a mere scouting party. Since they failed. More than likely, any new incursion will be covert," I revealed.

"How do we prepare?" Lythienne questioned.

"First, we rescue our target. Then, if I can gain favor with the Countess, I can convince her to aid us in preparing. Doctor Spencer and Colonel Rooke can help with preparations," I said.

"There is still the matter of the rogue Dark Templars. Stopping them must be a priority," Searl countered.

"Most definitely... if they are aiding with the breaches... that could be troublesome, if not deadly," I replied.

"Why would they aid these monsters?" Lythienne said.

"We don't know who is behind the breaches. The world they attacked us from was just a staging ground. Our research indicates whoever is behind these invasions goes from world to world," I revealed.

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