Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Seven

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The Grand Duchy of Venus's Cove and its larger Duchy of the same name is a small country under the rule of the Kingdom of Euphoria. Here the High King rules supreme. Countess Domirella is one of the few who holds a position in opposition to this King. Despite its size, rare resources are present here that give Countess Domirella enough power to challenge him. The Duchy of Venus Cove is substantially larger and under the sole sovereignty of Countess Domirella, with twelve Barons swearing fealty to her. On paper, these Barons run the Duchy of Venus's Cove, separate from the Grand Duchy, with a military. However, the Grand Duchy is closer to the mainland and its Duchy is farther away. That means anyone who controls the Grand Duchy rules the larger Duchy.

Until recently, the King was hesitant to act against her. That is, until the previous High Queen passed away. Now he has requested Countess Domirella's hand in marriage. An offer she can't refuse. That was twenty years ago. If some historians had the time to print this book, then circumstances must have changed. Thankfully, those two vixens were fast asleep. I imagine they usually do not sleep this long, but the ancient summoning spell must have required vast amounts of mana. It's impressive to think they could cast a spell that powerful and that they'd be slumbering for three days. Their familiar Sissel came back just in time for them to wake. Dominatoria stretches her arms before rising to stretch her legs. I watched her breasts and tush jiggle while she went through a dozen different workouts. Her sister Dominitonia soon awakens and follows suit. Getting up causes her breasts to bounce up and down. They hardly noticed I was there.

"Um, you know you've been sleeping for three days," I said.

Both succubi pop their heads up like deers caught in headlights-their melons flop around wildly as both struggle to compose themselves. Dominitonia races for the couch as Dominatoria does a quick roll before pretending she is looking somewhere in the living room, not in my direction. Then I notice the sly look on Dominatonia's face. Dominatoria turns back to me with a face turning hot pink and grimacing with a slightly irritated annoyance. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to react before I was down on the floor under her foot.

"Grubby human! How dare you interrupt our morning exercise!" Dominatoria scolded.

Before I knew it, she flew off the couch and was on me within seconds. Compared to when I first met her, her speed is much slower now than when we first met. Her toenails dig into my chest. It surprised me as it wasn't as painful as the last time. Dominatonia squats down, hovering over me. Her face was upside down, but her sly smile was evident. She grabbed my hands before I could react.

"Hey, Toria! Let's see if he can make that move again!" she said, smirking.

"Hmm... good idea, Tonia. Let's test out if this man has a strong enough might!" the purple-haired vixen said.

"Didn't you want my help with your mother?" I exclaimed.

"How are you gonna do that under my foot, human?" Dominatoria snapped.

"Hmm... this grubby human probably likes it... I think he does!" Dominatonia said, smirking.

She puts more weight on her pressure. Dominatonia clasps my hands, preventing me from resisting. It seems I need to take action to get out of this situation. I can catch Dominatoria off guard if I swing my legs around her waist. A simple technique to bring her down fast. The sofa will break her fall, causing little harm. I put my plan into action, swinging my legs quickly around her waist. She didn't know what to do as she fell backward. Dominatonia burst into a laughing tantrum, falling backward onto her bottom after her sister hit the couch. Then she changed. In a flash, she's now in my face. The top of her breasts hovers over my face. Her expression is more serious, yet the cunning is still there. Her sister hops on my chest, pinning me down with her hands pressed firmly on my chest. She saddles my hips like she is about to ride me like a horse. Intense hormones kick in, and my manhood immediately goes erect. The smile on her face said she knew and felt it as well. Her legs squeeze against my body as she slowly wiggles her hips into mine. I can feel her grinding her crotch over my manhood. That being said, I now realize my head is in-between the thighs of Dominatonia. If I looked up, I'd see her crotch. Her thighs' grip my head like a vice grip. The two had me pinned like a trapped animal.

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