Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Two

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"I must be dead?" I whispered.

Yet this existence didn't feel like death to me. Death felt more like being alive with a massive hangover and every inch of my body aching. Suddenly, something hit me right in the gut, causing me to gasp deeply, almost like someone had brought their heel down on me. It dug into me like sharp nails. As another impact hits my upper chest, I fling my hands to shield my stomach. 'What the hell is going on? Is someone with high heels stomping my chest?' I held on after the second impact. It is undoubtedly someone's foot. My eyes were still adjusting when I heard a female voice.

"Get your grubby human hands off me!" a sultry, yet captivating voice said.

"Ah! Is that all we get after all that work? This puny human?" another feminine voice said.

"You must have done something wrong! This thing can't be what we are looking for. Look at him; he's nothing like we asked for," the first voice said.

The other attempted to stomp my balls. Thankfully, I had a firm grip to redirect them enough to bring whoever this person was down to the ground quickly. All my combat training came rushing back as if I'd just gone through basic training. I used a simple pinning technique to get this person restrained. My head is on a swivel, checking my surroundings as my vision becomes more evident. The silhouette of who I'm holding came in better. 'What? I can't possibly see this with my eyes. What am I seeing? This is impossible.'

Before me, in my grasp, a mix of a purple and pink-skinned girl angrily looks back at me. Varying shades of purple wavy hair fall to her waist. Stunning bright purple almond-shaped down-turned eyes stare down at me. An impossibility unless she had a rare genetic disorder. By the looks of this girl, she had bigger things to worry about than a genetic disorder. Two large and long jet-black horns or antlers grew from her forehead where her hairline should have been. They grew out of her forehead, following the curvature of her head. Her horns began curving down behind her ears like a ram. The tips of each black horn curve upward, ending roughly where her mouth was and finishing it with white pointy tips. It's like a snake made of ivory slithering around her head, like some demonic headgear. Sparkling blue fluffy and slightly slanted eyebrows bring attention to her small, dainty, upturned nose and thin, succulent, heart-shaped lips. Her lips glisten in the sunlight as her upturned nose slightly wiggles as if some foul smell in the air disgusted her. Even her ears are strange, as they're long and pointy, like an elf's. Her short purple hair is beyond what I can imagine. I see dark vibrant strands of purple, yet I can see a variety of purple strands in her hair, giving her an exotic look. Then there's the daunting pair of breasts with just the right size, plumpness, and perkiness. I then notice how long her fingernails are, whitish, almost talon-like nails. She merely stood over me with an expression of what I can describe as eyes of disdain and confusion. Then, a strike to the back shoves me, rolling me over.

Standing behind me is yet another purple and pink-skinned girl. She is the spitting image of the other with one difference. Her hair's a short, deep, sparkling blue. If I had to guess, she had every shade of blue in shades I have never seen, and more. Her almond-shaped, down-turned, vivid pink eyes glare at me with contempt and impatience. Straight and thick pink eyebrows draw my attention inward to her dainty button nose and glistening, thin heart-shaped lips, giving her a different vibe. A little poutier, I would say. Her nose is slender yet does not give her the uptight look of the other young woman. A pair of identical black horns went from her forehead to the side of her head. She, too, possesses huge, plump, and perky melons, just the right size and shape to please the eyes. Now that I see them both side by side, I see the perfectness of their thin yet curvaceous bodies. Their properly toned thighs hinted they could birth an insane number of children. I couldn't stop noticing their long, slender legs that were perfect. They were not skinny legs, but womanly, thick, and athletically shaped. I can tell both possess unquestionably plump and peach behinds but the curve of their wide hips.

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