Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Eleven

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"Absolutely not! I'm not wearing this!!" Cathy shouted, crossing her arms over her much more busty chest. "This is beyond unladylike!!" she added, turning her head away.

Cathy shakes her head at the clothing Sissel returns with. Her outfit included a revealing sky blue leotard, a skirt trimmed in the same color, and those leather boot warmers, along with gloves. It is clear from their attire that these two succubi do not have a wide variety of choices. However, I knew the red-haired siren could not wear such a thing. In the end, it was my responsibility to convince her as well.

"It's understandable why someone from Earth would not want to wear something like that. But I suggest you look at it this way. It may not be suitable to be seen in it, but it will help you blend in more. These hotheads are royalty. If anything happens to me, they can protect you. So, as much as I respect you as a woman, can you wear it for now? Just until we find something better," I explained.

She looks at the ground for a moment, then back to Sissel holding the garments. I can imagine how she was toying around with the idea in her head. It is all too sudden for her. I bet she did not have a single outfit like anything the succubi had in her wardrobe. For the first few days, she was on her own. Now she's being asked to wear this. If this is what she has to do, I can't imagine what Minah and Marie are enduring right now. Knowing them, they were more worried about Cathy than themselves. They have to know she is here, too. So all the more reason for me is to keep her alive. Cathy signs for a long moment, but finally takes the clothing back into the break room.

"Oh, she's going to look so incredibly gorgeous in our garments!" Dominatonia snickered with a sly look of satisfaction.

"I can't wait to see her tight body. Her skin is so milky and serene," Dominatoria said, rubbing her hands together and stomping her feet as if she was having a tantrum.

"Don't say things where Cathy can hear that. She's a very reserved lady, from what I have heard. However, she is also intelligent and possesses a lot of knowledge. So take it easy on her too. She probably won't be up for the games you two like," I explained in a low voice.

"Ahh, that takes all the fun out of it!" Dominatonia snapped, turning around and squatting down to the ground.

Her tail did the thing cats do when they are human, annoying them while her wings flickered back and forth.

"I bet you can't wait to see her naked, am I right?" Dominatoria said.

Dominatonia's head popped up at her sister's words, seeming to bounce back to her sudden bout of depression.

"Toria, can I call you Toria? I'll indulge in all the games you want if you take it easy on her. She didn't ask to come here. I know it's not your fault, either. You're in danger just as much as she is. If you need someone to take your frustration out on. I'm your guy...," I said, giving them a smug smile.

Both Dominatoria and Dominatonia looked away. That's all I needed to know. They brought me here out of desperation. I don't know if I can help, but I will do what I can from here on out. Everyone looked to the main building as Cathy stepped through the hole in the building's front. Her clothing gave her the appearance of a supermodel. There is something sensual and delicate about her body that any man would die to possess. It was hard for her to conceal her alluring physique, even if she tried. They stood side by side as Toria, Tonia, and Sissel gave her words of encouragement as Toria helped to direct the conversation. Cathy had the same small waist as Sissel, and she had grown several inches as well. 'She might be taller than me now!' I couldn't help but think back to the anime and manga I watched as a teen. Those were fairy tales. They're unreal stories about guys like me getting all the girls. In actuality, what those stories fail to depict is the reality of what happens to the harem if the main hero dies. I wasn't particularly interested in having Cathy, Marie, and Minah find out because of my failure. The same goes for Amanda and all the radio station's employees.

"Well, how do I look?" Cathy questioned, holding her hands behind her back.

"Like a virgin goddess, of course!" Tonia said with a wide smile.

"It's a little flashy, but you match those three. No one will know you're not from this world. I, on the other hand, am a different story. I'll need to find some clothes to blend in," I said.

"There's a shop we can stop by in the city the specialist is in," Toria said.

Toria began jumping up and down with both hands reaching into the air like a child begging for attention. She's like the kid in a kindergarten class waving at the teacher to pick her to answer the question. Her behavior always caught me off guard, and I could tell Cathy's having thoughts. Between Toria's playful demeanor and Tonia's overly bisexual interest, it's overwhelming for the poor lady.

"What do you mean, specialist?" Cathy asked as her head mimicked the movements Toria's jumping made.

'She probably is wondering how old Toria is?'

"I'm going to find out what type of magic I can use. Maybe even explain these runes on our bodies. That's the plan, at least. While we're there, they can check you out, too," I explained.

"We can be there by nightfall if we hurry," Sissel said, leaning forward, looking at me with intriguing eyes.

'Did I impress her in some unforeseen way? I can't think of anything in particular.'

"Then we better get moving," I said.

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