Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Forty-Three

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The match between Elissa's Team and Cathy's Team was about to start. We gathered in a field a reasonable distance away from the fort. Both sides were ready to go. They'd even had matching armor. With access to these new resources, a guild of blacksmiths arrived soon after we took the fort. Ever since they'd been pumping out requests for free for anyone affiliated with me. I also heard the Countess had a hand suggesting they come here. I've yet to talk to the head of the guild. That should be on my to-do list. Which is racking up already. At this rate, a new town will pop up. Toria was in some extravagant get-up between a Japanese blue and white kimono and a nurse outfit. 'Where do they even get these outfits?' At least Tonia wore some armor. She still showed more skin than needed. The others were better equipped.

Except for Sissel and Nifu. One was a giant black cat with a blue diamond at the center of its head. Now Sissel had four white-tipped tails. The other was a giant red fox. Nifu even had a new tail just as fluffy as the other. If I'm not mistaken. Sissel's tails have blue flames at the tips, and Nifu's tails have golden flames. Cathy wielded a giant hammer that dwarfed her. I was surprised to see Elissa had a massive hammer. They really were going at it. Lythienne had her bow, and so did Lucianne. I never imagined she was an archer. Tonia was the only one with twin sai. A unique choice that somehow matched her kimono-style armor. Riona and Rophalin's armor matched the team leader of their team. The audience was small.

I, Colonel Rooke, Doctor Spencer, Jane, Erica, Lady Penelope, Lady Dalla, and Lady Zenevieva. Searl, Jobrac, and Vincent weren't there. Elissa did have two of her handmaidens here. Both were gorgeous, like her. Long silverish-white hair that draped down to their ankles. I didn't know their names yet. I figured Elissa would tell me sooner or later. They wore red and white robes similar to the nuns. But, of course, they were vampires too. I could tell from the paleness of their skin. They, too, had sizable bosoms. 'I wonder why so many women here have this trait.' I've seen smaller ones, but those cases are rare. It could be because most of the women I have encountered were either from the church or the elite templars. Over three thousand of them and just as many from the church now called this Fort home for now. Whether they stayed with the Dark Templars was uncertain. Unlike the around five hundred male templars, they were kidnapped, kinda the same as being forced. Those were matters we'd have to solve later.

They were in Serenity's Asylum, but they should be back soon. Toria put her hand up as the teams lined up.

"They're about to start...," the Colonel said.

Toria gave the signal, and the battle began. It was hard to tell what was going on right off the bat. My foresight was nothing but a blur of motion. So much so that my left eye pulsates with intense pain. Next, a radiating strain began to affect my right eye. The auras and mana of these people fluctuated dramatically. The field was devastated. My chest was pierced by a sudden pain. Nearly taking the breath out of me. Another blow from an unseen force wrecked my stomach. I cough involuntarily, trying to cover my mouth. A fist full of blood came out of my mouth. 'What the hell?' It felt like my bones were being broken repeatedly. I gasped deeply as my chest took the most brutal impact yet. It was enough to cause me to step back a few feet. 'That definitely broke every rib in my chest!' It was like I was getting my ass kicked by the wind.

"Husband, you must stop this madness at once. You are suffering from the Rune of Sovereignty, the Rune of Dominance, and the Rune of Authority. Your acolytes are not meant to wage war with each other unless granted by divine order. If you don't stop this now, you will die, and I will lose my husband," Eelia whispered.

"Hurry, you idiot! She's right!" Firosa whispered. "If you don't, I will!" she added.

"They both are right. I don't know why but you are taking the brunt of the damage from this fight. If it wasn't for Firosa and me, you'd be dead already," Helena whispered.

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