Domirella: The Surreal Succubi - Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Three days pass before I can even get on my feet. My wounds are all but healed if you count this EDIOS attached to my body. This is a point of interest for me. From what the twins tell me, certain types of mana increase healing. Today, the specialist is stopping by to examine. Cathy has three rare types. As I suspected, one is strength or rather a physical modification. She can change her body to anything she touches. Her second is physical enhancement, and the third is physical reinforcement. Together, these make her literally unstoppable or indestructible. As long as she has mana, that is. Hers is quite vast, from what I'm told. One would think these gifts, as she says, don't suit her. I believe the opposite. They fit her perfectly.

"I see you're up and about now. You know that beautiful red-haired lady and the brunette one stayed by your side while you slept," Doctor Spencer said.

Another man I knew was with him. Colonel John Rooke from The United Allied Forces. An army commander that served in the war. He was my age and a few inches taller. His stark black hair was clean-cut, and he held a sense of pride for his carefully groomed beard. The man's deep blue eyes were always serious. If he was here, that would mean something must have happened at the plant.

"Colonel...," I said.

"Look, I'm going to cut right to the point. We're stuck here until further notice. This world is more dangerous now that a breach can occur. I've only got twelve Mark Twelve Pretorian Battle-suits, not counting the four busted suits and nowhere near enough pilots. Now that you have that parasite in you, that may count you out. I need to know if I can count on you if we have an incursion on our hands?" the Colonel said point blank.

"You don't have to worry about Lieutenant Thomas, Colonel. I believe he is in control of this EDIOS," Spencer said.

"I hope you're right. We need both of you to get home if that's even an option," the Colonel countered.

"Listen, the day we all arrived here. A breach occurred. A small one, but there was a malfunction during the experiment," he explained.

"Yes, there was an experiment scheduled. I was running late when an anomalous event occurred." I explained.

"Exactly, the one that brought all of us here. I built a machine that should be able to open and close breaches at will. Not just to the world during the war. We could have access to a wide range of worlds, including one's like this one. The problem is now this machine is here. Right in the area, the breach opened. The device is still intact but now...," the doctor said, pausing.

"This grand king or something of this kingdom has seized it. They came a day ago and closed off the area," the Colonel revealed.

"They were going to arrest all of us, but the Countess of this country made the Colonel and me her advisors," Spencer explained.

"After seeing one of our battle-suits in action, it was a straightforward decision," the Colonel added.

"How do you plan to get it back? This may be the key to getting home," I suggested. "This machine could also stop the breach from opening here ever again," I added.

"As you can see, we have a lot of work ahead of us. That's why we need you on your feet out there finding answers. I heard you acting like a merchant. This could be useful," the doctor said.

"I'll do what I can," I said.

'Is this really a way home? If possible, I need to help anyway I can.' The two men leave. The twins haven't been around since we arrived. I better find them soon. 

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