Chapter 52: Forever is not long enough

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Oopsie... I had quite a few spelling mistakes in this one... But I have taken care of it now (hopefully...)

I really hope you enjoy this last chapter (not really the last as an epilogue will follow... but you know what I mean^^) 

Xiao Zhan's POV

"Why did you fall out with your family? Shouldn't your father be happy to be in-laws with the royal family?"

I saw Mum's face darken and knew I wasn't going to like her answer.

"I can't believe Grandpa was so mean..." Xuan Lu muttered and I had to agree with her.

"My father was overjoyed and started bragging about how his child, an illegitimate one at that, would be the future queen. And because he was happy, so was my mother. Especially since my father began to pay her much more attention than before, much to the annoyance of the first wife. My siblings hated that I would be better than them, but they still tried to be nice, much nicer than before. The reason should be obvious, right? Tang Lin was quiet at first, but then showed how happy she was for me.

After staying with your father for a few days, I went back to my family and it was really strange how I was suddenly treated so nicely. The amount of presents and compliments, not only from my father but from almost every relative, was immense. But I am not stupid. People don't become nice and friendly overnight. I could tell they were trying to establish some sort of relationship with the future Queen.

Urgh, I was so angry. You see? This is why I would have rather kidnapped your father and left than stay and become Queen. The only reason I didn't was because I love your father too much to take everything away from him out of selfishness".

"You wouldn't have had to kidnap me, my love. I would have gone with you willingly. While I was brought up with all those rules and etiquette and royal traditions, you weren't, and I knew it would be hard for you to get used to them. Especially with my father like that.

"You mean downright mean?" Xuan Lu frowned. I agreed with that thought. I knew that he could be very serious and that as a king you have to act a certain way so that others don't ridicule you, but for him to behave like that with Mum... it was just shocking.

"You still loved your father, darling. And I didn't want you to leave your home, where your whole family lived. I also didn't like the idea of having your father on my back for kidnapping you. Sure, it would be funny at first, but it would get annoying very quickly." Mum shrugged and smiled.

"Anyway, Tang Lin was the only one who hadn't changed much. She behaved as usual, except that we hung out and talked a lot more than before. But that wasn't surprising as I tried to keep as far away from the others as possible. Unfortunately, I couldn't avoid my father very often as we lived in the same house. When he heard your father was coming for dinner, he would gather all the servants and make sure everything was perfect. The house would be clean, the garden presentable, and the food would be to your father's liking. Hell, he even took all my things out of my room and put them in a bigger bedroom. I was going to say something about that, but then I thought it was pointless. Besides, I wouldn't be living in the house much longer anyway.

Your dad came round a lot and, being the most perfect husband ever, he sensed that I wasn't feeling well because everything and everyone around me was changing. He cheered me up and even sent the former head of the Royal Guard to our house to protect me. He was good at his job, I wouldn't have known he was there if your father hadn't told me.

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