Chapter 15: Meeting the Queen

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New chapter ahead. Hope you enjoy <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

Two days later we left Haoxuan's house to make our way to the world of the vampires, as Yibo called it. Several weeks ago I wouldn't have followed a stranger anywhere but after all that happened, I didn't care anymore. Even if I was walking to my own death, I didn't care. Wait, if I was half a vampire I was technically dead, right?

Anyway, there was nothing here that would convince me to stay. My mom was a murderer and in jail, Aunty hated me for reasons I couldn't understand nor accept and the rest of the people here in this city saw me as a villain. So why not just follow that gorilla and, I don't know, maybe start a new life somewhere where no one knew me?

"Psst." Haoxuan nudged my side. "When we go to their world, won't you meet your father?"

He was right. I would meet him. The man who, according to Aunty, has seduced my mom and impregnated her with me. I wasn't sure if I could believe that though. I mean, Mom obviously had feelings for him at some point, and seeing the way she looked at me meant she still loved him. Or maybe that was also just her being crazy over something she wanted and didn't want others to take away.

"I guess so."

"Aren't you excited?"

"Why should I?" I asked back. "I don't know him, I never met him and I lived my life perfectly fine without him. And when I look at your father I don't think I need one. Having only my mom was enough."

"Fathers are overrated." Haoxuan nodded. "But aren't you curious who he is and what he is like? I mean, I doubt he is like mine."

"I am not. He was never interested in me until now so I won't be in him." I shrugged and almost run into Yibo when he suddenly stopped walking.

"Were are here." He said and when I looked around I found us in the middle of a forest surrounded by trees. I frowned and looked at Yibo in confusion.

"Hey, you, did we get lost?" It was Haoxuan who asked what I thought but in a rather disrespectful manner. I heard Yibo grinding his teeth and according to my friend's face, he was oblivious to Yibo's increasing anger. I had to admit that Haoxuan sometimes said things in a way that could make others upset but in my opinion, Yibo was way too sensitive to everything. No matter what Haoxuan said, or anyone in general, he would get annoyed beyond belief making me believe he had no friends at all.

"Don't you think that if our world was easy to find, you stupid humans would never have forgotten us?" Yibo asked.

"Who do you call stupid!?" Haoxuan frowned

"Either it's just you who is stupid or the whole of humanity. Take your pick"

Haoxuan frowned even more but seemed to be taken aback by his words, as he wasn't able to utter a single word.

"Then where are we? Where is your world? I can't a see a thing either." I said to divert his attention away from Haoxuan.

"Humans can't see nor find it without our help, they won't even be able to enter without us. Humans are not allowed in our world."

"Pah, then how come your kind is allowed in ours?" Haoxuan asked.

"As unbelievable as it may sound, we vampires can control ourselves and we don't mind living in the same world as your kind. We don't hunt nor hurt humans because your blood won't still our hunger longer than a couple of weeks. But human greed knows no limit. They want to become one of us, don't mind hunting us, and try their best to achieve immortality. If they don't succeed they will try everything to destroy us. Humans probably think something like if we can't have what you have, no one should."

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