Chapter 16: Sharing a Room

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I know, I know. I let you guys wait. I am sorry!  D:

I intended to make this chapter a lot longer but changed my mind to not let you wait any longer. 

I hope you enjoy this late chapter <3 <3

3rd POV

The Queen walked back to the King's office, followed by Bowen. Once Bowen closed the door carefully he watched the Queen walking up to the door to the adjourning bedroom and stopped in front of it.

„I met Xiao Zhan." She said and albeit she wasn't sure, she thought she heard the King's breath hitch. „He looked confused and exhausted and I feel sorry for what he had to go through. I am not sure if he will get used to the new life he has to live as of now but knowing your blood runs in his veins, I am sure he will manage that well. The problem is that he looks like a younger version of you so the moment people see him, they will know who he is. I will make sure he stays under the radar for now but this is not a long-term solution."

The Queen stared at the door and Bowen could have sworn he saw her eyes twitch in annoyance.

„You are unbelievably childish, Luo Jin! Listen here! The past can't be changed and I, for my part, won't make a scene. Am I disappointed with your actions? Yes, I am. Is it ridiculous that you can't remember what you did? Yes! Does your betrayal hurt me? It does! Do I forgive you for your wrongdoings? I do, albeit I won't make it easy for you. It may sound stupid to others but in my opinion, it's better that you did that 20 years ago without my knowledge than doing it now in front of my eyes. You had to have a son sooner or later. Isn't it good that Xiao Zhan is here now?"

Bowen never really thought of the King as childish. Yes, he was a very emotional man but never did he behave like a child as he did now. So the Queen's earlier remark about having a toddler waiting for her fit this current situation perfectly. Not that he would ever say that out loud, especially not in front of the King.

The Queen took a deep breath. „I know you can't remember. I would know when you lie. I know that you are trying to understand the situation, trying to remember how you could even think about being with someone else than me. Unfortunately, I can't help you with your memories. If you need time to figure everything out, so be it. But there is no reason for you to hide like you are doing now."

Her Majesty is talking against a wall.' Bowen thought. Others wouldn't have such a reaction as the king had but they weren't as emotional as him. And the Queen and King weren't just like any married couple. They loved each other so much that they had bonded many years ago.

„I can feel your pain, Luo Jin, I can feel it as if it's my own. And you being like this doubles the pain for me. I know you can feel it too. Do you really intend to leave me hanging like this?"

The Queen waited but there was no answer. She knew, and Bowen knew it too, that the King heard every word she said. He would always listen to her, never ignore her. Bowen knew the Queen and her temper. It surely wasn't easy for her to not barge into the room.

„2 weeks, Luo Jin!" The Queen warned him. „I will give you two weeks to get over all this and if not, I will tear down those walls. And until you come out of there, I won't tell you anything regarding Xiao Zhan. I won't tell you where he is right now, I won't tell you how he is doing, I will tell you nothing. And Bowen won't either!"

She glared at Bowen who nodded and bowed to her respectfully. It was better to not go against the Queen. She seldom became enraged but if she did, bless those who are at the receiving end.

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