Prologue 2

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Hello Everyone, 

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. 

Today is the last day of the year and I will present you with the second epilogue :)

I tried to summarize what happened in the past of Jiyang and it might look a little too squeezed if you know what I mean. I didn't want the epilogue to be too big so it turned out to be a long summary. I hope you don't mind and still like it :) 

I wish you all a happy new year!! <3 <3

3rd POV

A man was crying in the garden of his house, far away from his wife who was already sleeping. Today marked the day he felt the most hopeless ever since he was born. Not even the car accident on his honeymoon and the resulting blindness of his wife compared to the pain he felt right now.

Everything started about a year ago, on the day of his wife's birthday. The day started so wonderfully. Waking up early to make breakfast for his beloved, bringing it to bed, and waking up his sleeping angel to eat breakfast together before giving in to his wife's seduction resulting in them staying in bed for another two hours. Getting late to work didn't make him feel any regret.

But in the afternoon he got a call from the hospital and found out his wife passed out in the supermarket. He rushed to the hospital to stay by her side. She didn't feel ill and wanted to go home but the doctor's announcement revealed the shocking news of his wife having cancer. It was the slowly growing but persistent kind with no hope of a cure.

Well, that was what the doctor said back then but Feng MingJing, a smart and confident student of Shanghai's top university with a bachelor's degree in science didn't believe there was no chance of healing. In the last two years, he tried everything to create a cure. When he thought he finally made it, tests on dogs with cancer proved him otherwise.

All he managed to do in the last two years was find a cure to help people with lock-in-syndrome to have a chance to wake up. As a scientist, this is a huge discovering and he was even nominated for a grand prize but Feng MingJing didn't care about that. All he cared about was finding a cure for his wife. And exactly that was what he was incapable of.

Now there was no money left to finance his research, he used up everything and there was no cure in sight. Feng MingJing felt sad, and hopeless and was about to lose his sanity.

"It's a bizarre sight to see a grown man crying like a three-year-old toddler." A stranger's voice, cold and spiteful, sounded right next to him. Feng MingJing jumped and moved back.

"Who are you!? What gives you the right to step onto my property? Leave before I will call the police!"

"You look like you gave up to achieve your goal. You claim to love your wife, yet you are already disheartened after two years. I feel sorry for your wife."

"My love for my wife is greater than any other feeling within me! Who are you to judge me? You don't know me, you don't know my wife, you know nothing, you scum!"

The stranger laughed coldly. "Yet you sit here and cry rather than finding a cure for your soon-to-be-dead wife."

"How dare you to insu-!? Feng MingJing suddenly frowned and stepped back. "Who are you!? Why do you know about my wife's illness!? Speak!"

"I know everything I want to know. Your wife hast mostly two more years before you will have to bury her deep in the soil."

"Leave! Fuck off! I will call the police, you bastard!"

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