Chapter 51: The Truth

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Let's jump straight into it. 

Hope you enjoy  this new update <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

Weeks later, normality had returned. Dad still couldn't believe it, and neither could my grandfather. No one could, least of all the Queen of Japan. She suffered the most from the truth.

Ji Yang was indeed her son, tests had proved it. Not that they had been needed. It had been Zhanjin who had wanted to get rid of him and have his own son sit on the throne one day. He always thought he hadn't made a mistake, but he had. He had given someone else the task of killing Ji Yang instead of doing it himself. But the person he gave the job to couldn't bear to kill an innocent little baby and instead left him outside an orphanage where he was later adopted by a foster family who didn't treat him well.

But that wasn't the worst of it.

One day, Ji Yang left and decided to stay in the human world, and a few years ago, Zhanjin also visited the human world for a short time, where he happened to meet Ji Yang. He knew immediately who Ji Yang was and couldn't afford to let him live and risk his existence being discovered. So he tried to find a way to get rid of him without getting his hands dirty, and thought that using Haoxuan's father would be perfect. He thought that after the transformation of Haoxuan's parents, they would get rid of him on their own. Being locked in a cellar with two newly transformed vampires was a death sentence.

He never expected this plan to fail and was more than shocked to see Ji Yang here in my palace. So he visited Haoxuan's father and brought him here. I wasn't sure what he expected to happen, but he hoped Ji Yang would die. That was the only way to keep what he had done a secret. It was the only way to make sure that no one would take away his title as king and Haruto's title as heir.

Ji Yang was devastated to hear about his past, and Haoxuan in particular was speechless as to why his father had gone mad. It was a great relief to see that these secrets hadn't damaged their relationship, if anything, they had become even closer.

The queen returned to Japan and my father went with her. He felt that he was partly to blame for what had happened, that he hadn't seen through his adopted son. And since our families had been friends for centuries, it was only natural that we should support her. That was probably also why there wouldn't be a war or anything between our two countries. Thank god...

I heard that Haruto had been stripped of his title as Crown Prince and that neither he nor his descendants would be able to inherit the throne one day. The same goes for his sisters, Asuka and Akane. Of course, they wouldn't be sent into exile or anything like that. They were still the children of the queen. But the Queen made sure that the three of them knew what their father had done.

Zhu Zhanjin was also taken back to Japan and sentenced to death. My grandfather made sure that Zhanjin didn't do anything stupid on the way to Japan, like escape. I didn't know how they would kill a vampire, but to be honest, I didn't want to know. You might think that was too brutal a punishment, but it wasn't. What he did to Ji Yang and Haoxuan's father was bad, but not the worst.

When I first saw what he had done, I debated whether to tell the truth and confide in my mum, who then told me it was better to tell the truth. So I did, and it was the worst situation I have ever been in.

But there was more. Zhu Zhanjin's greatest crime wasn't just trying to kill the heir to the throne, but actually killing the king.

Yes, Zhu Zhanjin had killed the late King of Japan by attacking him with several other vampires. While they held the king down, Zhanjin sunk his fangs into his neck. I saw him drink from him, not stopping until the body stopped moving and the light in his eyes went out. Zhanjin had drained him completely. I did not tell the queen these details, of course. But when I saw it, I was sure I would have nightmares for a long time.

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