Chapter 35: At the limit

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Okay, this was difficult to write but I think I did a pretty decent job :) 

So, here is the long-awaited chapter and I hope you enjoy it <3 <3

Yibo's POV

I snapped my eyes open and sat up quickly. My heart was pounding in my chest and it was hard to breathe normally. I quickly turned to my left and found ... nothing.

I frowned as I lifted the blanket and checked myself. What I saw wasn't abnormal. It wasn't the first time I'd woken up from a dream to find myself either hard as a rock or, worse, already soiled.

This time the party was over. The sheets were dirty and my dick had already gone back to sleep, but the mess was made. Only one thing was different this time. Something I wasn't so sure about. This time the dream felt more vivid, it felt real, so real that I was sure I would find him beside me. I closed my eyes and remembered.

I remembered getting undressed and going to bed without taking a shower. I was too tired from working on MeiMei. I remembered falling asleep slowly, not paying attention to any sounds, and just as I was about to drift off, I heard a soft but somehow agitated voice.

"How can you sleep so peacefully? How can you behave like this isn't bothering you? Am I the only one who is feeling this?"

I felt fingers on my cheeks and then they moved south before stopping. I wanted them to go further, just a little, but instead, I felt soft lips pressing against mine. I smelled him, I smelled Xiao Zhan, and parted my lips in the hope of tasting him. It was torture to be so close to him every day and not be able to satisfy my deepest desire. My desire to hold him, to smell him, to taste him, to have him.

All for myself.

Every day it got worse. A few times I almost lost control of myself, but luckily I was able to calm down somehow. At least during the day. At night I couldn't stop having these dreams. They weren't just naughty. They were downright erotic and I enjoyed them more than I should have.

Those soft lips were soon replaced by hungry, demanding ones. The kiss was hard I hungered for them. When I felt them move out of my reach, I grabbed the back of his head and plunged my tongue through his parted lips into his hot mouth. I opened my eyes for a moment to see him, Xiao Zhan. Just the thought of him starting it this time made me so excited that I didn't care about anything else. I pushed him off me and pinned him to the mattress.

It was the best kiss I had ever had. It was a hot, passionate, wild, and wet kiss, my tongue reaching for every inch of his mouth, it reached as far as it could, but it was not enough.

I let out a growl of satisfaction. And when he grabbed my head and deepened the kiss, I lost what little control I had. I grabbed his bottom, pressed his soft body against mine, and began to rub against him. It felt good, but not good enough. I wanted to get rid of his clothes, which were like a wall between us, but that would mean stopping what we were doing and I couldn't bear that.

I could feel his excitement pressing against his trousers as it tried to reach for me. He grabbed me harder and began to make those wonderful, delightful sounds as he tried to follow my lead, it was enough for me to reach my climax with a moan that came from deep inside me. It felt different this time, and by different I meant so much better! I could smell my seed and to make sure everyone knew who this man belonged to, I rubbed it into his trousers, marking him as mine. He found his release right away.

The King's only SonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora