Chapter 39: Inner battles...

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I am back again with the new chapter ^^

Please Enjoy <3 

Haoxuan's POV

 I felt restless and I wouldn't say I liked that feeling. My head hurt too.  

Pacing around my room, I couldn't think straight. Knowing that vampires existed was quite a surprise, although I wasn't as shocked as Xiao Zhan. Who knew why? Now, living in a world full of them where I was the only human wasn't as scary as I thought. How could I be, when my own father was more of a monster than all those vampires put together? So it was natural for me to think that they weren't scary. At least that was what I thought at first. Even though I still wasn't as scared as I should have been, I started to be a little suspicious of them.  

It wasn't the fact that they were slightly different from me or that they mostly fed on blood that made me wary of them. I had drank blood before, and even though my race would call me a psychopath, it wasn't that disgusting. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I would like to feed only on blood from now on, but... a little blood now and then... I wouldn't say no to that.  

And it was that monster's fault for me to think like that!

The only sound that could be heard in my room was me clicking my tongue in pleasure at the memory of JiYang and I's little adventure not long ago. As he straddled me, his weight on top of mine and the smell of his cologne hitting my nose just before it was replaced by the metallic smell of blood as his fangs pierced my skin...  

 'It has been over three weeks,' I reminded myself, annoyed. But I hated that I couldn't remember the taste of his blood. My father had made me drink it in the past, and yet I couldn't remember the taste.

Yes, it upset me. The only thing that kept me relatively calm and made me quite happy was him following me around like a puppy. I didn't know what had changed. In the beginning, he still looked at me with disdain, but that look had slowly disappeared and was replaced by something I couldn't explain. Did he finally stop hating me for what that monster had done to him? I hoped so. Maybe we could be closer now. I haven't been brave enough to go up and talk to him, but somehow I want to spend more time with him and have a normal conversation with him without him baring his fangs or looking at me like he wants to kill me.  

I wanted to talk to him without him staring at my neck like he was hypnotized by it. Although I wouldn't mind a repeat of the last time, hoping we could go further, I also wanted to talk to him normally.  

I stopped walking and hid my face in my palms.

Yes, I was fantasizing about him. I didn't know exactly when it happened, but the amount of time I spent thinking about him and his body was frightening. I did it more often than was healthy. I saw him naked once and remembered every little detail of his body, which didn't help at all but made the fantasies much more erotic than a normal wet dream.

To think that I, a heterosexual human, would start fantasizing about a man, and a sexy vampire at that, was crazy and not logical at all. But I did it anyway, and I wasn't even ashamed of it. I really hoped that this guy couldn't read my mind, because if he could, it would prove that he wasn't interested in me at all. Or he would have thrown himself at me by now, because yes! That was how I thought of him.

I sighed and continued walking. Back and forth, back and forth.

But after what happened last night, I was afraid that he was thinking of me wrongly. Even I couldn't explain what happened at first. Even though I was a bit of a womanizer in the past, I hadn't looked at another woman since I came into this world. Well, except for the Queen, but no one could blame me because that woman was hot as hell!

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