Chapter 30: Yibo's past

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Back again with the next chapter. I am still writing a little slow to make sure my wrist won't start hurting again so please bear with it for a while. 

Also, the app I use to make sure I don't miss a mistake is currently not working perfectly so I apologize for overlooked mistakes. 

I hope you enjoy this new chapter <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

I stood in the living room and stared at the portrait above the fireplace. I left my room a while ago after noticing that I and my carvings had calmed down. I even ate the food Yibo left in front of my door and found that it tasted amazing. The Queen was right when she said normal food would look unpromising only at the beginning.

After taking my time, I thought that food wasn't bad at all. Sure, the taste of blood was still fresh in my memories but I haven't had the urge to take Yibo down and drink from him. I hoped this chapter of my newly found identity was over.

I didn't know where Yibo was which made me unusually annoyed. He was supposed to stay by my side and protect me yet he vanished into thin air. He was neither in his room nor in the bathroom. I didn't have to look, my ears were enough.

Having nothing better to do I found myself staring at the portrait above the fireplace. Yibo's mother. Like I previously said, she looked breathtakingly beautiful but somehow I thought that it couldn't compare to Yibo's handsomeness 100%. Maybe because he also inherited some traits of his father. I couldn't be sure but as he didn't look exactly like his mother, naturally he must have a few traits inherited by his father.

'Does he have no picture of him?' I looked around the room before my eyes fell on the portrait again. Somehow I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"If it's bothering you, I can take it off."

I didn't hear him coming nor that he stood right behind me, yet I didn't flinch.

"It's not bothering me at all. It's the opposite. I like to look at her. She is very beautiful." I answered without turning around,

"I should take it off...." He insisted making me turn to him.

"Why would you? It's your mother and you put it up because you long for her, didn't you? So why take it down?"

He didn't answer making me try to figure out what was happening inside his head. I shook my head and turned back to the painting.

"You once said she took her life. Why would she do that?" I asked him curiously but the moment I finished my sentence I understood that it must be a very sensitive topic. I inwardly slapped myself and was about to turn around and apologize when he answered me.

"My mother was lonely and depressed. She might have thought it was the best she could do to escape that situation."

I didn't ask more in case I would make him upset but there was one thing I still wanted to know.

"I have yet to see a portrait of your father. Were you closer to your mother than to him?"

"The only portrait of my father was the wedding portrait he insisted on. Although I spent more time with my father, if you can call it that, I felt closer to my mother despite having seen her only a couple of times."

I stayed quiet but Yibo must have realized that I wanted to know more.

"My mother and my father were best friends since they were born as their families were close friends and neighbors as well. So my parents grew up together and were naturally pretty close. I don't know which idea it was but both families thought my parents looked good together and suited each other. A wedding between them would also bring both families even closer to each other than they already were."

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