Chapter 8: Haunted House

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Here we go with the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

"It doesn't look like it's haunted," I said as looked at the building in front of me. "I think the surroundings are the worst. Why does it stand in the middle of a forest?"

"My mother liked that she had no annoying neighbors, I guess. And I told you the ghost must be long gone. I wouldn't want to haunt a house when no one is inside. Where is the fun with that?" Haoxuan answered and pulled me along when he entered the house.

"Didn't you say your father comes here to clean? Look at all the dust... I don't think he ever cleaned here."

Haoxuan shrugged his shoulders. "What do I know what he did? Anyway, I hate it here. It reminds me of the past."

"Having no father is better than having an abusive one. "I said and looked at him when he sneered.

"True but at least he doesn't hurt me as much as in the past. Now I can defend myself, back then I couldn't." Haoxuan shook his head. "But enough of that. Let's clean up a little."

"Mhn. Let's do that before it gets dark."

Haoxuan agreed and we cleaned up the living room where we decided to stay for the night before cleaning up the rooms on the first floor first thing the next morning. For a moment I thought I heard something and looked at Haoxuan. He, however, didn't seem to have heard anything and as he was talking nonstop, I must surely be mistaken so I tossed this thought aside.

It was dark and both of us were tired. The moment Haoxuan lay down, he fell asleep. I tried to sleep too and I thought I even managed to do that but then the nightmare started. I knew it was a nightmare because there was no way my mom would try to kill me. But she attacked me with the same knife she used on Min-Ah's older sister and I woke up drenched in sweat.

I looked around but it was so dark, I barely could see my hand. My heart was beating like crazy and I still felt sweat run down my forehead and my back.

"She won't kill me... she won't... It was just a dream." I mumbled and flinched when I heard a strange noise. It sounded like the moaning of someone or something. I remembered the words Min-Ah's mother said about Min-Ah following me and shuddered. Just the picture of her haunting me was giving me the creeps.

I looked around but it was way too dark. I shook my head and tried to go back to sleep but the nightmare returned, this time about Min-Ah haunting me, and I jumped up with a scream

"Xiao Zhan?" Haoxuan called me sleepy and got up. "Xiao Zhan, are you okay?"

"I am fine. Go back to sleep." I said and got up to go to the bathroom. Albeit I didn't see anything I still remembered where the bathroom was located and once I arrived, I turned on the lights and washed my face.

"Xiao Zhan?" Haoxuan was at the door and I flinched.

"Fuck! Haoxuan! Don't scare me like that!" I complained and glared at him.

"You look like shit." He said and I dared to look into the mirror and almost scared myself. Haoxuan was right, I didn't look good. I was pale, I had huge eye bags and my eyes looked bloodshot. I bit my lips and looked away as I dried my face.

"It's not that bad." I tried to smile but it didn't work. Haoxuan watched me with a worried expression. "What?"

He looked like wanted to say something but then shook his head. "Nothing. Let's go back to bed."

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