Chapter 41: Aftermath

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Hope you enjoy it <3 <3

Ji Yang's POV

Two smells hit my nose when I woke up. One was very familiar, blood. The other I hadn't smelled in a long time, but I still recognized it, sex. Yes, it had been years, many years, since I had last been active in bed. The last time was before I left that hell-house and decided to take my revenge for how they treated me by messing with their only daughter.

But back then the smell wasn't as pleasant as this one. It wasn't easy to open my eyes and even harder to move. It was quite comfortable right now, despite the stiffness I felt.

But when I remembered what had happened just before I fell asleep, I snapped my eyes open and sat up. Looking to my right, I found him sleeping like a rock. I couldn't blame him after the way I had treated him. He smelled of blood, not only his own but mine as well. It was on his face, his chest, even down there. Deep cuts on his groin, shoulders and chest, made by my nails, proved how I had treated him as well.

"Shit," I cursed and left the bed as fast as I could. I looked back and shook my head. "Shit!"

A sudden breeze reminded me of my lack of clothes, but that was irrelevant at the moment. But the deep cut on my wrist wasn't. I looked back and forth between my wrist and Haoxuan. Goosebumps covered my entire body as his face appeared in my mind, sucking my wrist as I pressed it against his lips. I shuddered.

"What have I done?" I murmured. "What the hell did I do?"

I quickly licked my wrist to close the wound and erase the scar. Then I hurried out of his room and back into mine. I didn't know what time it was, but looking at the sun, it must have been late afternoon. I stood there trying to comprehend what I had done. How could I end up like this? What had happened? Why...

I shook my head, trying to get rid of all the images that filled my mind, but I was unsuccessful. I covered my ears, which obviously didn't help because the sounds were in my head, not my ears.

"That can't be... I wouldn't do that... why would I? No..." I looked down at myself and decided to get rid of everything that would serve as proof of what I had done, proof of what had happened. But I couldn't erase the memories. My mind was mocking me by playing the events like a movie, the sound couldn't be turned off either.

I quickly stepped into the shower and cleaned up, trying my best not to think about Haoxuan. I failed as his face popped up every time I closed my eyes.

"Why...?" I groaned and gently banged my head against the tiles, hoping to wake up from this nightmare. But I didn't. My body started to shake and I felt my fangs coming out. Not because I was hungry. How could I be when I had just eaten the best meal I had in years?

No, my fangs came out because I was angry. Furious even. I wasn't sure at whom, but there should be only one obvious answer.

"Wang.Hao.Xuan," I growled as my body tensed. I finished my shower and didn't even bother to dress properly. With a simple towel around my waist, I left my room and returned to his, finding him in the same position I had left him. But when I looked at him, the anger faded and all I felt was an eerie emptiness.

I wanted to strangle him, but the anger I needed to do that was gone. I ruffled my hair and didn't know what to do but stare at the sleeping human. He moaned in his sleep as he shifted position. My eyes fell on all the scratches I had left on his body as well as the rather obvious bite marks on his neck and wrist. I kept staring at them as if they hypnotized me.

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