Chapter 12: Meeting Yibo

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Here I am with the next chapter :D

Hope you enjoy <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

I heard a low male voice talking to himself before I even woke up. Well, I wouldn't call it talking because all he said was Mhn. Soon I realized he was talking on the phone. I couldn't assign his voice to a face making me wary but I did remember what happened before I fell asleep.

That guy Haoxuan's father locked up calling me a monster and me slowly getting angry. Okay, angry wasn't the right word, I guess, maybe aggressive was a better one. And the last thing I saw was those dark eyes of a stranger who suddenly showed up out of nowhere attacking me without reason and glaring at me. If I wasn't so tired at that moment I could have sworn his eyes turned red.

"Understood." The male voice said and I heard a little beep telling me he cut the call.

"11." Another voice sounded cheerful, also a man. "You said Mhn 11 times, Yibo. One could think that's the only thing you know how to say."

It was quiet for a short moment and somehow I could feel the person that had been on the phone, who was called Yibo, glaring at the other. The next words confirmed my suspicion.

"How scary. Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore. If gazes could kill..."

"Where is that guy?"

"Upstairs. I thought it might be safer. He had a strange look in his eyes when he stared at that boy over there. Kinda like he wanted to kill him."

"Then why are you down here, Leo!?" Yibo growled.

"Hey, he won't run away, okay? As if he could. He looks like he might tip over with just a soft breeze. Looks like he didn't drink in a while."

"I don't care. We will take him with us to the palace and send a donator to him."

"Just one? He looks like even three won't saturate him." The guy called Leo chuckled. "Anyway, what did Bowen say? What are we supposed to do."

I could hear a rustle. "Interrogate all three. We need to find out what happened and if it's true that the half-breed is a royal. But, royal or not, we have to take him with us. He won't survive alone in the human world and he is a danger to the humans."

"Not that he has anywhere to go. Fine then, but you will explain everything to him. I will go up and interrogate that guy." I heard someone ascending the stairs and it became quiet.

"I know you are awake. How long will you keep pretending?" Yibo said and I didn't dare to even breathe.

"Holding your breath won't help you." I still didn't move. "Fine. Might as well check if you are a royal or not. Just one bite will be enough." He said and I heard his clothes rustle as he moved.

Honestly, I didn't understand what he meant. I thought that was just some trick he pulled to make me open my eyes. But no, it wasn't and when I understood he was standing right next to me, it was already too late.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and pressed my body into the couch I was laying on. The stranger's face came closer and I was able to look into his dark-colored eyes. They looked rather cold and it was scary as if he witnessed all kinds of cruelty in his life. Maybe not only witnessed?

His eyes soon vanished from my vision and I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my neck. I hissed. The same pain I felt when that other guy bit me not long ago and I understood that I was bitten again.

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