Chapter 28: Conversation between friends

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Back again with another, unfortunately, a little short chapter. I hope you still enjoy reading it <3 

Xiao Zhan's POV

I stayed in Haoxuan's room for several hours. Not only because it was nice to have a little chat with my best friend alone, but also because somehow I was reluctant to go back to my room. I wasn't scared. I was ... nervous?

I couldn't quite decipher these feelings but I thought for now it was better to just stay here and spend some time with Haoxuan.

We talked about different stuff, mostly about how relaxed Haoxuan felt here despite being surrounded by blood-suckers. I kind of disliked that word but I decided to let it pass this time. Haoxuan talked a lot more than usual which was probably because he was far away from home.

"Blood-Suckers are a lot better to deal with that with my old man." He grinned and I couldn't stop myself from commenting anymore.

"That might be but can you please refrain from using that word blood-sucker? It's offensive, you know?"

"What now? Did you fully become a blood-sucker now?" Haoxuan laughed.

"No!" I frowned at him feeling anger fighting itself to the surface. "But it still sounds offensive. You liked to spend your nights with different girls and I ain't calling you a whore either, am I?"

He gaped at me. "Well, damn! That hurt!"

"I guess so." I bit my lips feeling terrible for saying that. "Sorry, that was... sorry..."

"No, you are right. I did kind of do that so I guess it is true whereas I wouldn't call myself a whore either." He frowned. "I did look like it, didn't it?"

"Hey, sorry. I shouldn't have said. But ... you kept saying that word and it made me angry so...."

"No, I told you, it's fine. I won't say it anymore." He waved his hand. "But seriously now, it did look like I was ... whoring around, right? Do you think Ji Yang knows? I mean, will he dislike me even more when he finds out about my old habits?"

"I doubt he can dislike you any more than he already does. He hates you to the core."

"For no reason, mind you. I don't mind him hating my father for what he had done to him Hell, I am hating him like no one else. And honestly, knowing what he did to Ji Yang makes me even more angry at him. I never thought of actually killing that man but..."

I raised my brows.

"... but now I do. I would love to tear that head off his shoulders, use it as a football and then burn it to ashes before feeding the rest of his body to stray dogs. No, cancel the last part. Dogs don't deserve such an awful meal." He frowned and shuddered.

"Xiao Zhan, I think this place here makes me evil..."

I snorted. "I doubt it. I think you are only a little too invested in Ji Yang."

"I will make him understand that I am not at fault for anything he had gone through."

"I think deep down he knows that. He is just venting out his stress and hate on you."

"I appreciate his attention. I bathe in it, actually, but I would like it to be a different kind of attention."

"Different kind?" I asked but deep down I already had a hunch. Maybe more than a hunch.

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