Chapter 19: The Meeting with the Ministers

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As promised the next chapter. I don't feel well since Friday and only slowly getting better so if there are any major spelling issues, I hope you will forgive me. 

Please enjoy <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

Haoxuan could say what he wanted, but I was still furious about what happened. Ji Yang should have kicked Haoxuan out and locked the door if he had to. As if a simple go-out would work on Haoxuan. And that woman, why did she leave!? She came to do one job but she left and let Haoxuan go through all that. I didn't fucking care that he claimed to have enjoyed it. I didn't believe him. He was straight, for god's sake!

"Why did it have to go this far? Hell will break lose once his memories come back." I mumbled worried. I stared at Haoxuan's door and then at Ji Yang's.

'I sure as hell won't let him kill my best friend!' I thought firmly before turning around to go back to my room. I had to go back but... this was the chance to take a closer look at the palace. I didn't want to stay in that room all day to wait for who knew how long.

"Don't even think about it," Yibo said and leaned against the door frame leading into his room- no, apartment.

"Why is it so bad to get on a sightseeing tour?" I groaned.

"I already told you we will keep your identity hidden for the time being. If you would have been a vampire, it wouldn't be a big problem letting you wander around but a human will only attract attention. They will know who you are once Her Majesty told them that the crown prince is half-human."

"They? You mean those ministers?" I asked and he nodded.

"For example, yes."

"Where are they right now?" I asked curiously.

"Probably in the throne room holding a meeting. They have been quite impatient ever since the rumor about the existence of a crown prince went around. I am sure Her Majesty will get interrogated for as long as these people have all the information they want. But don't worry. Her Majesty won't reveal too much about you."

"And I can't take part in that meeting?" Yibo looked at me as if I had asked him the stupidest question.

"If I hide in the tunnel, they won't see me, right? Can't we listen to that meeting? I am bored and don't want to be locked up in your apartment the whole freaking day. Won't I learn more about all this by witnessing directly?"

"Xiao Zhan-"

"I know! I know, okay? But come on! They won't even know I am there. Those walls have this stuff in the walls too, right? And I will be quiet. And the Queen won't find out either. I won't tell her."

Yibo looked like he was about to argue so I interrupted him before he could.

"Aren't I the crown prince? Don't you have to listen to me?" I challenged him feeling embarrassed and he chuckled.

"Are you seriously using the I am the crown prince so do as I say-card?" I bit my lips but I already said what I said.

"Y-yeah! Why not? If I am the crown prince I have the right to order people around, don't I? And I wouldn't order you if you would just loosen up a bit."

"For someone who doesn't accept who and what he is, you keep acting like you finally started to believe."

"As if."

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