Chapter 43: Third.... and Fourth Ability

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Back with the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it <3 <3

I walked around trying to clear my mind. I was recognized by every servant and guard I met, which was something I would have to get used to.

After walking for a while, I found myself at the training ground, but since it was early, there wasn't much going on. Only three guards were present, warming up for the upcoming training. I recognized them as the three who ran into the throne room yesterday - the ones who were so overprotective of Mei Mei.

"You know, I would have enjoyed it even more without you two." One of them said.

"You're just jealous because you're not the only one she likes."

"No, I think so too." The third said. "It was kind of weird sharing her with you two."

"You said it was weird, but you enjoyed it the most..." The second one laughed.

"Shut up." The first rolled his eyes. "If anything, Mei Mei was the one who seemed the happiest. And if she is happy, so am I. But honestly, I never thought she would be into something like this."

"I've heard of others who screwed two women at the same time, but I've never heard of a woman doing the same with men. But who am I complaining? As long as she chooses me, I will gladly fulfill all her wishes, even the perverted ones."

The guards continued to talk, oblivious to my presence, which was a good thing, because suddenly I wanted to vanish into thin air. They didn't mince their words as they talked about a subject that was certainly not meant for other people's ears. Especially not mine. But that wasn't what worried me the most. It was the fact that they were talking about something that sounded awfully familiar.

"What are you talking about?" Yibo asked and I jumped. I hadn't even heard him coming.

The three guards turned to us and immediately lowered their heads when they saw me. "Your Highness!"

I just nodded with a forced smile.

"I asked you something!" Yibo growled.

"We... ah... were just discussing some private matters."

"It can't be that private if you shout it to the world. Now I am curious too. What was that about?"

One of the guys raised his hand. "Hey, don't tell me that now that Mei Mei has finally decided to stop wasting her time on you, you're having doubts? Come on, Yibo. You know that we have had a crush on her for years. Do you remember how annoying it was that she only had eyes for you? Now that she is finally paying attention to us lonely singles, are you trying to make a claim?"

"What are you talking about?" Yibo frowned.

'Yes, what were they talking about!? Yibo is claiming no one but me!'

"Yibo is jealous..." They laughed and I tensed up reflexively. Who knows what I would have done if Yibo had not rubbed my back? But honestly, I was getting way too emotional over the simplest things...

"Listen, Yibo. It was Mei Mei's decision to write you off and choose men who know how to appreciate her feelings."

"Yeah, no need to get all grumpy. Now that we know what she likes, if you are a good boy, she might let you join us."

"Exactly, it might feel weird at first, but you will get over that shyness pretty quickly, and then the fun begins. Right, brothers?"

"Couldn't have said it better. And by choosing us, she showed that she has style. So don't be mad at Mei Mei for coming to us."

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