Chapter 47: After the transformation

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Here I am :) 

Hope you enjoy this new chapter <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

I could barely open my eyes. I was in pain. A lot! Especially my throat. I couldn't even move except for my eyes. When I opened them, I found myself in a large strange room. But I had no time to look around and appreciate the bright colors and majestic decor. The pain I felt soon faded into the background as I saw the image of Haoxuan lying lifeless and bleeding on the floor. That bastard's face also appeared and I completely forgot about the pain. Rage rushed through my whole body again as I jumped up and ran out of the room.

Only I wasn't really running. I couldn't call that running. Hell, I couldn't even call it flying! I was so damn fast! It shocked me so much that I almost ran into the opposite wall. The only thing that stopped me were the strong hands around my body, holding me in place before the impact.

The shock was quickly overcome as I tried to run in search of the bastard I needed to smash into tiny pieces. But these arms around me prevented me from fulfilling my mission. I fought against this person and didn't even care if I hurt him.

"Let me go!" I roared and was satisfied to hear that this person was having a hard time holding on to me.

"No," Yibo said, slightly out of breath. "Zhan, calm down. You are..."

I didn't think to listen. I had to kill Feng MingJin right away! But Yibo wouldn't let go of me. I knew that I was stronger than him right now, but I also knew that if I used that to my advantage, I could hurt him. And that was something I didn't want to do.

"Zhan. Please, calm d-"

"Where is he!?" I shouted. I didn't care what he wanted to say. I was furious and my anger wouldn't subside until that bastard died!

"Haoxuan is ...."

Although I hadn't asked about my friend's whereabouts, hearing his name now somehow brought me back to my senses. For a moment, I forgot about my vendetta and grabbed Yibo's collar.

"Where is he?" I snarled, ignoring the delicious smell he gave off.

He suddenly had this sad and uncomfortable look on his face. "In his room, but he..."

I ran away immediately and heard Yibo running after me. If I wasn't in such a serious and deadly mood, I would have found it funny that he had trouble keeping up with me.

When I arrived at Haoxuan's room, I saw several guards standing outside. When they saw me, they looked worried and uncertain. Their heads turned to the other side where my mother was standing, looking worried and upset.

She saw me and seemed to want to say something, but I ignored her.

"Out of my way!" I growled at the guards and when they backed off, I marched past them. I threw open the door and entered my friend's room, only to see him lying lifeless in his bed. He was pale and not moving at all. When I tried to get closer, Ji Yang stood in my way, his eyes red and his fangs bared at me.

"Fuck off!" He growled, but I didn't even think about listening to him. I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed me and pushed me away from Haoxuan's bed.

"Song Ji Yang!" I warned him, my body tense, ready to tear him to pieces if he didn't let me see Haoxuan.

"FUCK OFF!" He yelled before grabbing my shoulders. He must have lost his mind if he dared to attack me, the Crown Prince. My eyes slid to my friend, which Ji Yang didn't like as he growled again. I had enough and this time I grabbed Ji Yang's arms and pushed him away. I couldn't control my strength, which happened to have increased a lot. Ji Yang crashed into the wall and fell to the ground with a whimper.

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