Chapter 37: The Banquet

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I edited a few little things and can finally present you with the new chapter. 

Enjoy <3 <3

3rd POV

The day before....

The Queen stayed a moment to admire Xiao Zhan's handsomeness before she closed the door and, after telling a servant to bring Yibo his suit, made her way to the reception hall to meet her family.

Holding banquets or visiting others were the only times she had to meet them. Before she married and became Queen, her relationship with her father, the Grand Duke, was normal. She was not on good or bad terms with his legal wife. They ignored each other, except when this woman's children were unhappy and pointed their fingers at the Queen.

She only met the two daughters, Meng Jin and Meng Lu, a few times and never interacted with them. They were spoiled little rats, and although they were still young, there were many rumors, or rather scandals, swirling around them. The other children of their father, no matter with which woman, at least behaved themselves most of the time. Well, they used the fact that the queen was their half-sister to get what they could, but otherwise, they were harmless.

The Queen wasn't very fond of her mother either. Her mother's only concern was to please her husband without regard for others. It was as if she had no opinion at all. As long as the Grand Duke was happy, she would do anything, even if it meant ignoring or sacrificing her daughter's happiness.

But the biggest problem would be the Queen's biological sister, Tang Lin. She wasn't just spoiled, she was rotten from the inside and the Queen hated her more than anyone else. Not without reason, of course.

The Queen took a deep breath and entered the reception hall, attracting everyone's attention.

"Punctual as always." She greeted them. Her legal wife and twin daughters curtsied but stayed in the background. Their mother followed their example after a glance at the Grand Duke.

"My beautiful daughter." Her father beamed at her. "At last we see each other again. It's been a while since we met. How have you been?"

"I am well as always, Father. I have no reason to complain in my position, do I?"

"Probably not. I am sure you have everything you ever dreamed of. Recently even a son. Congratulations, my dear."

"Thank you, Father."

"I hope you are not angry that the King chose someone else to conceive an heir. After all, you are incapable of producing one." It was Tang Lin, the Queen's sister, who pointed out the obvious. She was wearing a long cream-colored dress that barely touched the ground. It was made of viscose, so it was very thin. It hugged her waist like a second skin and accentuated her perfect figure. The only jewelry she wore was a pearl necklace with matching earrings. She usually wore a lot of makeup, but today she chose a subtle one that matched her outfit and jewelry perfectly.

"Why should I?" The Queen smiled, trying to ignore her sister's obvious intention. "Having the Crown Prince here is the best thing that could have happened."

"Is it?" Tang Lin raised her eyebrows.

"Of course. Xiao Zhan is adorable, he is smart and well-mannered. Oh, and he looks so much like the King, it is amazing." The Queen gushed about the crown prince. "Besides, now that the king finally has the perfect heir, there's no need for other young ladies to embarrass themselves by volunteering to share my husband's bed, is there? All those maidens who tried to sneak into his bed... it was really disgusting and very tiresome to get rid of them."

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