Chapter 45: Feelings have changed

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As promised, here is the looong next chapter :) 

I hope you enjoy it <3

It had been a while since I drank alcohol. Maybe that was why I felt so light after only three glasses. But that feeling of exhilaration was great. I wouldn't call myself drunk yet, but I was sure that I would be once this bottle was empty.

Smiling like an idiot, I walked around the palace. Or rather, I danced.

'This is great...'

I heard small murmurs and looked at the servants who were staring at me. I wanted to ignore them, but then I saw the servant that Haoxuan had flirted with not too long ago. I looked at her and she immediately ran away, followed by her colleagues.

"She can't even handle a simple look..." I muttered. Either she was a coward or I was scary. Haoxuan's face popped up in my mind, which it did at least twice every 15 minutes, and I flicked my tongue and shook my head. I grabbed the bottle of wine more firmly, brought it to my lips, and drank greedily.

"How come those who should be afraid of me aren't?" I grumbled. Even after the way I treated him, he didn't look scared.

"Hah! But his heart was unstable!" I lifted the bottle in victory. "He's afraid of me! Of course he is, he would be stupid not to be." I told myself, before my thoughts wandered elsewhere and the grin disappeared.

"I should pay my old friend a visit. I bet he misses me." I stopped moving and stared at the floor. My mind filled with different torture methods I could use on him. I wasn't allowed to kill a human, but a little torture wouldn't hurt, would it?

I laughed at my thoughts, but stopped when Haoxuan's face appeared again. I groaned in annoyance.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I growled and raised the bottle to my lips and drank until it was empty. "And why is this bottle so damn small?"

I started to look around, looking for someone to get me another bottle, but there was no one. I groaned again and gave up, making my way back to my room. Twice I chose the wrong hallway until I finally found the one that would lead me to my bed.

"Why would anyone live in such a big house?" I muttered, shaking my head and almost tripping over my feet. His scent reached my nose before I heard him. "Ji Yang?"

'Ignore him.' I thought to myself. Nothing good will come from reacting to him.

I walked past him and grabbed the doorknob.

"Is that... alcohol I smell? Are you drunk?" He grabbed my arm. I turned and pushed him away.

"Yes, I am. So stay away from me or I might hurt you." I hissed and seeing that he had no reaction, at least not the way I wanted, made me angry.

"Why did you drink?" He asked, leaving me speechless. He watched me expectantly as if waiting for an answer.

"You're too curious."

"No, just worried."

I laughed out loud. "You are out of your mind. I don't think you are in a position to worry about me. You better worry about yourself. Now get out."

I turned around and was about to enter my room when a pleasant scent hit my nose and I sniffed the air. I turned back to him, my eyes moving up and down his body. I noticed that his shirt was stuck to his chest and that his hair was still slightly wet.

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