Chapter 34: He is mine!

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Thank you for waiting!! I know it took longer than ever and I am very sorry. 

You can call this long chapter a trailer for the events of the next one :) 

I hope you enjoy <3 <3

Xiao Zhan's POV

I was exhausted. The past three weeks tore on me like nothing else. But it wasn't the lessons I received to learn more about this world, what it meant to be a vampire, or our skills, no, not even my frequent meetings with the King who wanted to know a lot about me and my life, had me exhausted.

My conversations with the Queen and even my oldest sister were pretty fun and I realized long ago how stupid it was to think the Queen would want to kill me. She was treating me like a son and even tried now and then to make me call her mother. Either she was an amazing actress no one had ever seen or she truly liked me. I was sure the latter was the case.

Back to the problem of my exhaustion. The root of it was no one else but Yibo. Being alone with him was tiresome. There was something between us I couldn't explain. Whenever we were alone together, there was a tension in the air you could grab if you would just reach out. Especially when our eyes met. It was difficult to breathe and I couldn't concentrate much because in my mind all I could think of was Yibo. How smart he was, how soothing his voice sounded, or even how breathtaking his smile was when smiled. Maybe calling it a smile was a little too much because only the left corner of his lips was moving. Not much but I saw it.

Often the urge to jump on him was immense which was weird because I wasn't even thirsty. Not that I wouldn't mind a few drops of his delicious blood as a little snack in between...

I tried my everything to suppress these weird thoughts and urges and keep on with the lessons. It was amazing that I was able to learn something despite all the distractions. Also, I finally learned to keep out any noises I didn't want to hear which was nice at first.

But when I started to keep out annoying sounds, my ears concentrated on Yibo's heartbeat instead, which wasn't planned at all but my body wanted it so, I thought of this new ability as a nuisance. Hearing Yibo's heartbeat sounded wonderful, by the way, but it was distracting too. Especially when there were a few lapses now and then, more so whenever our eyes met.

Now comes the biggest annoyance: Yibo wasn't affected at all!

While I had to endure these exhausting tension between us and mind-filling distractions as well as my desire to dig my fangs into his skin, he taught me what I had to know in a calmness that annoyed me even more.

So my meetings with the King were a welcomed break. Yibo escorted me to his office every time and would also pick me up, which I thought wasn't necessary, but while I was talking with the King, he would leave and give me some space. Even though my relationship with the King wasn't as close as with Xuan Lu or even the Queen, it was good enough that I could relax.

"Xiao Zhan, you seem to be on edge the past couple of days. Is something bothering you?" The King asked me and he was visibly worried. I was a little taken aback.

"I don't think so...." It felt weird seeing him being worried about me. I am not used to it. I didn't hate it, though. It felt pretty nice.

"Are you sure?" He raised his brow just like the Queen did when she was amused or knew I was not telling the truth.

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