Chapter 29: Returning Memories

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I think the headline says it all... let's see what will happen, shall we? 

I hope you enjoy this chapter <3 <3

Ji Yang's POV

It's been three days since I started to feel restless. It started a while ago already but intensified after I talked to the lady I had drunk from. She was a friendly young lady with bright eyes and a soft smile. Not only was she friendly but also very forgiving.

Although I could not remember yet what I had done to her, I knew it could be nothing good. I had lost control only once a few hundred years ago before I left for the Human World. I remember what I did back then and even though it was a scandal if made public, I didn't feel too bad about it. I was pleased with my actions and that was the only reason I never went back and found trouble with these people.

But that was an old story and differentiated from this time. This time, I felt bad. I couldn't remember what I did but I could feel deep within me that I had done something I should get punished for.

"I don't remember that you did anything to offend me, Mr. Song." She told me with a smile. A genuine smile that surprised me.

"But, I lost control after all. I need to apologize for my actions no matter if I remember them or not."

"Mr. Song," She smiled gently at me. "I advise you to wait until you remember before you think of a way to apologize. We both know it is only a matter of time before you do. Maybe everything that you thought happened never happened."

"I am sure-"

"Mr. Song, if you are apologetic to me for whatever reasons, do me a favor please."

"If that is what it takes to accept my apology."

She chuckled. "I do hope you will remember those words. Please do me a favor and don't be too hard on yourself and even less on the person you should feel sorry for. I shall retreat to my room now. There is no need to find me again if it's to apologize. Those words have no meaning yet. They will only be meaningful once your memories are back."

I found it strange that she talked so... mysteriously. As if she knew something I didn't. Which probably corresponds to the truth.

I let out another sigh as I walked my room back and forth. It was quiet outside. It has been like this ever since the crown prince stopped coming out of his room. It was understandable because he had to comprehend a lot after getting told what he was. It was obvious that he became more acquainted with his inner vampire with each day that passed. Knowing he had his first meal consisting only of blood was surely a shock for him. Even more shocking for him was that he started to like the red liquid, I am sure of that too.

I am glad that Yibo was at his side to support him. He too hasn't been coming out of his room unless he fetched breakfast, lunch, or dinner for his Highness who didn't seem to touch the food at all.

'The taste of blood must linger on his tongue far too vivid for him to be able to eat something else.' I thought and was reminded that I was like that too when I tasted my first drop of blood. Every vampire will go through that but will overcome the new sensations within no time. The crown prince will too.

I was sure there are humans out there who believed that our kind only feasted on blood and would never dare to touch normal food. Such stupidity... only those stupid humans would think like that. I was 100 % sure that disgusting son of a bastard thought like that too. It was obvious after he asked that stupid question about babies drinking blood...

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