POV: Pisces (Part 1)

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As the anticipation pulsed through the room, the gathered zodiac group chatted and fidgeted excitedly in our formal attire, eagerly awaiting our grand departure. The air crackled with an almost electric energy, each of us dressed to the nines and buzzing with a palpable sense of excitement.

"Where's the key?" Scorpio asked, his gaze sweeping the room.

"Oh, the king's driver is coming to get us in a limo," Capricorn replied, a hint of pride evident in his voice.

"Sweet!" Aries grinned, giving a fist bump to Leo.

Capricorn cleared his throat, his critical eyes sweeping over our gathered forms with an assessing gaze. "First, let me make sure everyone is dressed appropriately," he declared, the words eliciting a collective groan as we reluctantly rose from the plush comfort of the couch.

As Capricorn's scrutinizing eyes briefly landed on mine, my heart fluttered erratically in my chest, but he quickly averted his gaze, his attention snapping back to the rest of the group. "Good, the driver will be here any minute. And remember, don't get dirty," he admonished in a stern tone as he turned on his heel and exited the living space.

The room erupts in chatter, and I find myself feeling increasingly isolated, unable to find anyone to engage with. Libra and Cancer, just as I had expected, have cut me off, their attention focused solely on each other.

I gripped the delicate fabric of my dress, feeling the prickle of tears threatening to spill over at the corners of my eyes. While Scorpio remained my friend, he was already entirely preoccupied with Aquarius, and I knew that's how it would always be from this point forward.

Needing a moment of respite, I made my way to the kitchen, where I found Capricorn sipping on what appeared to be a rather potent, amber-colored libation. Hesitantly, I started to turn away, too intimidated to engage him. I feared that Libra might somehow find out and try to sabotage any interaction between us.

"Pi," he called out, and I flinched as I turned around to face him, my nerves already fraying.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his brow furrowed in genuine concern.

"Nothing," I responded, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You really think I can't tell when one of my friends is upset?" he murmured.

Capricorn drained the last of his drink before stepping closer, and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as he gently took hold of my hand, leading me to the ornate kitchen island.

"You look beautiful," he said, and the unexpected compliment sent a wave of fluttering nerves coursing through me.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," I responded, the words coming out more awkwardly than I would have liked.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly self-conscious, unsure of how to interact with him after the way he had responded to Libra's kiss. I assumed he must've had stronger feelings for her, and that he had likely never even considered the possibility of being with someone like me.

"Thanks," he said, reaching up into the cabinet. "You want a drink?" he offered.

"Oh, no thank you," I replied quickly. "Whatever you're probably drinking is far too strong for me."

He chuckled, the rich, warm sound sending a shiver down my spine. "Suit yourself,"

I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I was wasting my time, that he would never see me as anything more than just a friend. Just being in his presence served as a painful reminder of that day, the ache in my heart still far too raw.

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