POV: Capricorn

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I exhaled a plume of smoke before disposing of my cigarette in the ashtray.

"These things are hardly doing it for me anymore," I mutter to myself.

I think back to the night of the pool party and an idea pops up in my head.

There should still be some alcohol left in the fridge.

Leo had brought way too much for us all to finish without getting alcohol poisoning.

I jump off my bed and exit my neatly organized room. When I reach the kitchen, I find all the zodiacs gathered around, conversing in seperate groups.

"What are you all doing up?" I question. It was dark out, perhaps almost midnight.

"None of us can sleep, school is so going to kick our ass tomorrow" Sagittarius informs me.

Time went by rather quickly, and before I knew it, school was tomorrow. To be completely honest, I was dreading it as well. Going to school usually isn't a problem for me, but a phone call from the King's messenger quickly changed that.

"Right, don't forget I'm waking all of you up at 6 am." I remind the group,

"Yeah, we'd rather you not have you waking us up with mind control," Taurus tells me.

"I don't care. Do you expect me to rely on you all to get yourselves up at a decent hour.?" I snapped, there was complete silence as everyone looked around at each other. "I'll wake you up as I usually do and you're going to appreciate it. That's final."

"Someone's grumpy" Leo sings in a joking manner.

"Yeah, Cap. Are you feeling okay?" Libra asks.

I grab an alcoholic beverage from the fridge, downing a few sips.

"The planets are transferring to our academy." I let out truthfully.

"What? You're joking" Aries says.

"Do I look like I'd be making jokes about this?" I ask in a bitter tone.

"You don't look like you'd be making jokes at all". Scorpio snickers, I hear a couple of people laugh as well.

"Why all of a sudden?" Aquarius asks.

I wasn't entirely sure how she felt about seeing Uranus again. They've dated for some time and were pretty serious.

"The king is worried you might need some help adjusting to school," I inform her.

I looked around at the concerned faces everyone was giving me. "Don't look so worried, we don't have to talk to them". I tell them, laughing a bit.

"We're only worried about you here. Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Virgo asks out of concern.

That, I wasn't so sure of. I can't imagine seeing Sunny again. I didn't want to either.

"I'll be fine," I mutter. "And just so you know, we're going back to our training schedule."

I got a collective groan from the group. Most of them hated training because it went on for long hours and was immediately after school. But it was my way of letting out some frustration and sharpening my skills.

"Why do we need training, I'm already the strongest" Taurus grins.

"You won't be able to rely on your strength all the time. You lack mental acuity, a skill that is essential if you truly want to be the strongest." I tell him.

He looked a little embarrassed as everyone burst out with laughter. I wasn't sure what they were laughing about. The same message goes for them.

"Tch, whatever." Taurus says, switching his attention to his phone.

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