POV: Taurus

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"Get up."

Of course, leave it to one of the zodiacs to disturb my slumber. There's nothing I hate more than being woken up. Especially when I have a hangover and backaches from being cramped up on the couch.

"No". I reply to whoever, agitated by their presence.

Something hard thonks me on the head and it takes everything in me not to throw this person into the wall. I open my eyes to find Capricorn with a wooden club in his right hand. Despite my strength, I wouldn't bother going against him. We've sparred before, and he wins every time.

I scan the room to see the rest of the zodiacs profusely cleaning and straightening themselves up. They were wearing clothes that looked slightly formal.

"Leave me the hell alone". I tell him, since resorting to harsh words is how I gain a bit of victory.

"Hurry up and get ready, unless you want to be the only idiot on national television". Capricorn tells me.

I groan loudly, I knew what this meant. We often had to go through interviews to keep the people informed of zodiac affairs. It was our job to keep up our public appearances as we represented the king. The only annoying thing about it is we've become almost like celebrities to the watchers and interviewers constantly try getting personal questions out of us to gain influence on their show.

"Now? Why is this so last minute?" I ask, rolling my eyes and slumping more into the couch.

"Because the king told me last minute. Anything else?"

"Yeah, do it without me, I can't bother to fake any smiles right now." I say, closing my eyes to drift back to sleep.

"Come on Taur, the camera crew is going to be here any minute." Virgo pleads. I must admit that it was really cute. I open my eyes back up and a grin appears on my face.

"For you, anything." I say in a flirtatious way before jumping off the couch.

Wasn't the best idea, I almost threw up.
She smiles at me and returns to tidying up the place.

"I should've known, girls can get your lazy ass to do anything", Capricorn says before rolling his eyes.

"Zodiac girls can get me to do anything" I correct him. They were way hotter than just normal civilians under their sign.

"So then who would you say is the hottest zodiac" Gemini asks with a grin, probably hoping I'd say her name.

"That's a secret," I say, giving her a wink.

"Okay okay, go get ready big guy," Gemini says with a smile.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks to look at her, including myself.

"Wha-. I didn't mean it mean it like that! Stop looking at me weird" she says, getting all flustered. I smirk, taking it as an opportunity to tease her.

"She's just a little out of it from our last session" I explain to the group.

"What? Shut up! Don't listen to him guys." She says, trying to defend herself.
I wrap my arms around her body, in an attempt to persuade them.

"Get off me" she laughs, holding onto my arms. I was way too strong for her to push off easily.

I smirk at Sagittarius, knowing how jealous he was that I was near his crush at all. He glared at me, as I nuzzled my face into her neck. He's had his eyes set on Gemini since the first few days we got here, if it were me, she'd be mine already.

"Man, if anyone likes Gem they should really ask her out before I take her for myself." I shout, Sagittarius gave me a look that I interpreted as 'Shut the fuck up before I slice your throat.'

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