POV: Libra (Part 1)

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I curled up next to Leo on the couch. His hand lightly brushed against my back while he placed his head gently upon mine. He scrolls through his phone, and our hands naturally intertwine. Meanwhile, I attentively listened to the ongoing conversation.

"This place is a mess," Capricorn mutters.

"Yeah, how'd it even get like this?" Pisces asks
I surveyed the area, popcorn seemed to have found its way into every nook and cranny, while blankets were carelessly strewn across both the couch and floor. The remnants of candy wrappers and crumbs were scattered about, adding to the overall disarray.

Taurus gasps, "Was I sleep eating again?"

Capricorn laughs aloud, "You fatass."

"Dude, I swear you're always eating or sleeping." Sagittarius chuckles.

"What else would I do?" Taurus asks, raising an eyebrow.

Laughter filled the air. However, Leo remained oblivious, his attention elsewhere. While Capricorn swiftly shifted to his phone, engrossed in texting.

He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. I wondered if it had anything to do with Sunny.

In the midst of my thoughts, Cancer abruptly enters the room, accompanied by Scorpio who seems preoccupied with chewing on something. Their attention is directed toward Pisces as they both make their way over to her.

"Well, someone has to clean this up." Capricorn says, shutting off his phone.

"Why not let Taurus deal with it?" Aries suggests, "He's the one who made the mess."

"I could, but he'd just do a sloppy job anyway." Capricorn remarks, prompting Taurus to plaster a mischievous grin on his face.

"Well I'm not doing it," Aries says.

Suddenly everyone's finger went to their nose, including Leo's.

I was caught off guard, being the last one to participate. "Assholes" I mutter, expressing mild annoyance. Leo chuckles, finding my situation amusing.

"Great it's settled," Capricorn says, clapping his hands together before leaving for his room. Everyone else scatters to their rooms as well, leaving me to the cleanup process.

I huff out a breath, moving off the couch. I head downstairs, approaching the kitchen for the cleaning supplies.

"Are you admitting that Leo most definitely likes you back?"

As I hear my boyfriend's name, I come to an abrupt halt, instantly recognizing their voices. It dawns on me that Aquarius, Gemini, and Virgo were the only ones who hadn't gone upstairs. Curiosity getting the better of me, I seek refuge behind the nearby wall, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I don't know, but so what?" Virgo asks, "Nothing's ever going to happen if Libra and Leo are still together."

"Unless he pulls the move," Gemini says, "Or unless they break up"

Break up?

I back away from the kitchen, feeling slightly threatened.

Does this mean they're planning to fuck with my relationship?

My heartbeat picks up and I try to catch my breath, a little panicked at the thought.

I make another attempt to listen again, as a collective laugh reaches my ears.

They wouldn't....

Would they?

Do they really despise me that much? I wonder, consumed by a mixture of fear and insecurity.

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