POV: Scorpio (Part 3)

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"There, I'm done. Can I sleep now?" Taurus grumbles, his voice thick with exhaustion as he sinks deeper into the couch.

Capricorn's brow furrows with a touch of concern as he glances over, his gaze quickly zeroing in on the rumpled duffle bag at his feet. "Where's the neck pillow I brought you?" he asks, his tone laced with a hint of exasperation as he meticulously tucks away the rest of Taurus' neatly folded clothes.

Taurus lets out an exasperated groan, his lips twisting into a petulant frown. "I don't know. Why do I need that?" he mumbles, his eyes already half-lidded with fatigue.

"Because you're always complaining about your neck when you sleep in the car," Capricorn explains, his voice patience personified as he looks over at Taurus.

"Oh," Taurus mutters, the realization slowly dawning on his face, a sheepish expression replacing his previous annoyance.

"Whatever, I'll find it," Capricorn says with a resigned sigh, closing up the duffle bag with a decisive zip. "Get some sleep."

Taurus grins, his expression brightening as he turns and happily shuffles away, leaving Capricorn to shift his attention towards me.

"Scorpio, you've finished your packing?" he asks, quirking a questioning brow as he studies me intently.

"Yeah," I mutter, my gaze never leaving the glowing screen of my phone.

Capricorn hums thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Is there a reason you're up so late?" he presses, his tone laced with a hint of concern.

I finally look up, meeting his inquisitive stare with a defiant gaze of my own. "I'm a night owl," I reply, my voice slightly defensive.

Capricorn nods, seemingly deciding to let the matter drop. "Fine. Just don't complain about being tired for school tomorrow," he says, a touch of warning in his voice as he turns and walks away.

I roll my eyes, slumping back into the plush cushions of the couch and allowing my eyelids to flutter shut. Since that night at the castle, I've been restless. Realizing I've been in love with Aquarius has been a pain in the ass.

There have been so many times I've wanted to confess my feelings to her, to finally let the words I've kept locked away tumble from my lips, but my own insecurities have always held me back, a silent barrier that keeps me from taking that leap.

I feel a soft peck on my lips, prompting my eyes to fly open, immediately recognizing the luscious, plump texture and familiar taste. Just as I suspected, Aquarius is the culprit, leaning over the back of the couch, her face upside-down in my line of vision "I knew I'd find you somewhere," she says, her voice lilting with a coy, alluring smile that sets my heart racing.

I can't resist running my fingers through her soft, silky tresses, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "I was just thinking about you," I murmur, my voice low and intimate.

Aquarius beams, her expression radiating a captivating mix of mischief and affection as she comes around the couch to sit beside me. I instantly lean towards her, opening my arm, and she eagerly scoots in closer, her legs curling up as she places a featherlight hand on my chest. I trail my fingers lightly along the soft, bare skin of her thighs, relishing the intimate contact.

"How come you're awake?" I whisper, pressing a tender, lingering kiss to the top of her head.

"I can't sleep," she murmurs, her voice tinged with a hint of restlessness.

"Good, me either," I say, leaning in to peck her lips a few times, savoring the warmth and softness of her mouth against mine, the familiar taste of her driving me wild.

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