POV: Aquarius (Part 1)

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The clash of air and water sent ripples through the field. I use my star power to hide from the naked eye, as I dash behind my opponent. I appear in view before striking her with a gust a wind. She flips away, quickly sending a water barrier in defense. I smirk, disappearing again, before turning in a fast motion. The movement wraps her in a whirlwind, flinging her across the field. I appear again, lunging up in the air and swinging a kick at her back before she lands hard face first to the ground.

I hear a couple of people cheer before I run over to help her up.

"Sorry about that," I grin, leaving out my hand for her to take.

Cancer gets up from the ground, dusting the dirt off her before glaring back at me and leaving my presence.

"That was awesome!" Virgo shouts, running up to me to hug me.

"Thanks," I say, hugging her.

I could've finished her off quicker with ice magic.

I watch as Cancer folds her arms and is given a pat on the back by Libra.

"Alright, great job today." Capricorn says, concluding our training.

"Cancer, focus more on your surroundings. Using your senses and intuition can help identify an invisible opponent." He critiques and she nods quietly.

"Hey, don't give it away!" I shout at him in a playful tone.

Capricorn laughs, "It's how I beat you that last time."

I giggle, shoving him lightly. Capricorn then leads the group back towards the house.

Our outside training took place in a large field that wasn't far off from our backyard.

"So, think there's a chance we'll get to spar one day." Scorpio asks, coming up from behind me during the walk back.

"Maybe, if you ever get to my level." I joke.

Over the past few weeks, Scorpio and I have gotten closer. Though we were playing it off as just friends, there was always some sort of chemistry between us.

"Besides, he always lets you spar with the earth signs." I mention, "And they are all crazy good!"

Scorpio was the most advanced for his element. He was a pretty talented guy who could handle his own in battle.

"They're decent but not better than me." he grins.

"I'd like to hear you say that the next time you lose," I laugh.

Though it could always go either way with Virgo and Taurus, he could only dream of beating Capricorn.

"We can still spar for fun though, can't we" he asks, as his hand brushes mine. I hadn't realized we were walking this close to each other.


When we reached the house, I found that we were the last ones to make it inside.

"What's the game plan for today" Aries grins, rubbing his hands together as if he was up to something mischievous.

"Don't know" Capricorn mutters, scrolling on his phone.

"I'm thinking Zodiac game day!" Leo shouts excitedly. I wasn't sure where he got any of this energy from.

"I'm thinking no, too much effort." Capricorn says, not looking away from his phone.

"I agree" Taurus mutters.

"Figure it out, I'm washing up." Capricorn says before leaving the kitchen.

The others argue about what to do as I disappear from view.

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