POV: Leo (Part 4)

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"Get off me," Virgo firmly requests.

"Sorry," I say, quickly scrambling to my feet. As she rises as well, she swiftly finishes sewing the third button on my shirt and tosses it at my face.

"There, now get out," she states sharply.

Confusion fills my mind as I catch the shirt, trying to make sense of her sudden outburst. "What?" I manage to utter, my voice reflecting my bewilderment.

"Go away!" she shouts, her frustration escalating.

Taken aback by her intense reaction, I can't help but retort, "What's your deal?"

Her voice trembles as she responds, "Just leave me alone."

"No, I'm tired of you pushing me away!" I shout, my own frustration surfacing.

"Why do you care?" she asks, her arms now wrapped around herself in a protective gesture.

I pause, searching for the right words. "Because..." I begin, before then stopping abruptly, realizing that I don't have a concrete answer. All I know is that...

"It hurts," I finally whisper, meeting her gaze.

Virgo's expression softens, and without hesitation, she takes a few steps closer, closing the physical distance between us. In a move that catches me off guard, she wraps her arms tightly around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. My heart races, the proximity between us intensifying the emotions swirling within me.

"I'm sorry," she whispers softly.

Instinctively, I reciprocate, my arms encircling her small waist, drawing her closer. Our bodies press against each other, and as our heads rest against one another, a surge of conflicting emotions courses through me. In that moment, as we hold each other in an embrace that feels both comforting and electrifying, the boundaries of our connection blur.

She opens up further, admitting, "I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, I just selfishly wanted to protect mine."

As we reluctantly let go of each other, I respond, "Well, I know how you can make it up to me."

Her eyes light up with curiosity, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "How?" she asks, a note of intrigue in her voice.

I can't help but grin mischievously, a playful glimmer in my eyes. "One game of tic-tac-toe," I suggest.

She rolls her eyes in response, "Seriously?" she questions, her tone laced with playful skepticism.

I nod, the grin on my face widening. "Yep," I confirm.

Her resistance gives way to a soft giggle as she relents, realizing the lightheartedness of the proposition. "Fine," she concedes, her voice carrying a hint of laughter. "But just one game."

As we embark on a simple game, the familiarity and comfort of our connection rekindles, reminding us of the lighthearted moments that brought us together in the first place.


The following day at school, I found myself in a state of inner turmoil, unsure of how to process the events that transpired between Virgo and me the previous night. Our unspoken connection remained unacknowledged, and I couldn't help but question whether I was simply imagining things. As the first-period bell chimed, I caught a glimpse of Cygnus making his way out of the corner of my eye.

That's it!

Instead of wasting any more time figuring out my feelings, why not let Cygnus figure out which girl is the right choice here?

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