Chapter 73 - If I get to annoy you? Always

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The dimly lit foyer of the Salvatore Boarding House was filled with tense silence. Elena and Bonnie sat across from a lawyer, signing legal papers.

The lawyer, a stern-faced man in a pinstripe suit, slid a stack of documents toward Elena, "Please sign here and here."

Elena took the pen with a shaky hand and signed her name on the designated lines. Bonnie watched with a mix of curiosity and concern, "So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?"

Elena had let out a bitter laugh, her eyes flickering with uneasiness, "For now. As sole owner, I was the only one who could invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean."

Bonnie had nodded, understanding the weight of Elena's words. She leaned in closer, lowering her voice to a whisper, "Your own personal safe house; I bet Aella loved that her boyfriend gave you his house."

Elena had eyed her best friend knowing Bonnie and Aella were a sensitive subject, "More about me owning a house before her than the boyfriend thing."

Bonnie had rolled her eyes, "She forget that she inherits, like, ten houses when she turns 21."

Elena laughed lightly, attempting to brush off the tension that lingered in the air between the cousins. "That's Aella."

"Enough said." Bonnie shrugged, her eyes moved across the room. "It's big... I wouldn't want to clean it."

Tension gone, Elena laughed at Bonnie's comment, picturing the daunting task of cleaning such a large mansion.


Jeremy and Damon stood in the garden, their hushed whispers inaudible to Aella and Stefan, who were a few feet away, Stefan rolling his eyes at Aella's attempt to get the house put in her name. Jeremy leaned in closer, his voice filled with fear and awe as he spoke about Bonnie's powers.

"She said if she can channel enough witch's power to kill him... I saw her after; she did this crazy thing with the sun and leaves."

Damon's skepticism was evident as he responded, "Sun and leaves are one thing, but Klaus is a whole other level. Are we sure Katherine has no idea that Bonnie got her powers back?"

Jeremy shook his head, "Only you, me, and Anna know.."

"That literally makes Bonnie our secret weapon." Damon's mind worked quickly, considering the possibility of using Bonnie as a backup plan rather than testing a potentially deadly potion on Elena.

Jeremy's annoyance bloomed, "We didn't tell you about this so Bonnie can be a backup plan; I told you because Bonnie's on a death mission."

Damon's nostrils flared, "I understand that, and I'll talk with Bonnie."

Meanwhile, Jeremy glanced over at Aella, "Bonnie's avoiding Aella, worried she'll feel her magic."

"That the only reason she's avoiding her?" Damon's brow raised. "I don't see you have powers, so why are you avoiding Pixie? Conscious dragging you down?"

Noticing their presence, Damon shook his head at the teen as Aella and Stefan approached.

"We're ready!" Jeremy jumped at Aella's sudden voice, "Whoa, baby J, what's got you so jumpy."

Jeremy shook his head, trying to play it off as nothing, "N-nothing. I better find Bonnie and Elena."

Aella watched the teen run off with a suspicious gaze, "What's with him?"

Damon couldn't resist teasing her about her jealousy towards Elena getting a large house, "His sister has just been given a huge house; he's jealous! How do you feel about the whole situation? Have you been able to find Klaus?"

An Elemental Difference - FIRE - Book 2 (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now