Chapter 58 - Please tell me you understand.

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A/N: How the hell has it been a month?! I'm so sorry. I have a good reason; writing can be such a bitch, lol. I absolutely love wandering into the world of AU. What could happen if...? However, the biggest pain is also creating this AU world because you have to rework everything for it to make sense and actually be good. I promise I'm not lounging away doing nothing; I am avidly planning, writing, and editing this story daily. Hopefully, I can update a few more chapters over this holiday season xoxo


Elena sat on the floor in the weapon room. Jenna had gone to find wine, Stefan outside to find wood, and Aella leaned against the unhidden doorframe.

Elena flipped through the pages of another journal she'd found, "It's another one of Johnathan Gilbert's."

Aella pursed her lips from side to side, "I knew there was more...."

"Yeah," Elena rubbed her forehead tiredly. "Jeremy had the one, and John said there were others."

"But not this many," Aella's eyes cautiously scanned the room.

Elena picked up a handful of wooden bullets and began dropping them onto the journal, "His whole life's in here."

Aella walked over to Elena, kneeling before her, "You're spiraling."

Elena snorted, "No, I'm not-" She saw the look Aella gave her, "Maybe just a little."

Aella placed her hands on Elena's shoulders and looked into her eyes, "We both knew about your dad knowing of the supernatural-" She gave them a little shake before she let go of her friend's shoulders and motioned to herself. "-I mean, hello, he let a witch live with you and actually helped train her instead of going to the founder's council - he was very much a part of -about her."

Aella picked up the bullets from where they lay on the journal and threw them back, "I think your dad was like us; he understood that with the supernatural, there are good and bad guys." She gestured around her, "This was in case of the bad guys."

Elena swallowed heavily, "It's just a lot."

Aella turned to gaze at the many journals, "Johnathan Gilbert's journals helped us when we were stuck... maybe they can help us again?"

"I guess," Elena followed her gaze, but Aella could see she was still struggling.

"Look..." Aella sighed, moving to sit cross-leg next to Elena. "Speaking of help. Damon is going to push to know about our deal with Elijah. He's a risk, and we can't tell him; god knows what he'd do, and he doesn't know that you know, too. Nobody does."

Aella's mind returned to that morning after Jenna had approved the road trip but before Aella had called Stefan.


Aella watched Elena pack, her teeth worrying her bottom lip at the smile on Elena's face. Finally, Elena looked carefree for the first time in weeks, but Aella couldn't hold in what she knew any longer.

Being kidnapped by the werewolves, Caroline being tortured, Tyler saying what he had, Stefan calling John; everything had occurred because no one had been honest.

"I don't think I'll need more than two sweaters," Elena wondered to herself as she packed a cream sweater. "Plus, I'm sure Mom must have left some there."

Aella's voice whispered, "E."

However, Elena hadn't heard the whisper and continued, "It shouldn't be too cold anyway; we are in Spring now."

"E," Aella repeated louder, although still in a whisper.

"And I know we all left coats there-"

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