Chapter 42 - I underestimated you, Aella Bennett.

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A/N: Double update; make sure you've read Chapter 41! xoxo


"Get out!"

Caroline flinched at Tyler's scream; every minute that went on, the teen was thrust into more agony. Just when he thought he'd faced the worst, the pain increased. He hated Caroline - anyone - seeing like this. Caroline glanced around the room frantically, looking for anything to help him, "

His eyes glanced at Caroline, who only looked on with worry, no fear, "I want to help, but I don't know what to do."

"Nothing," Tyler breathed out exhaustedly, holding back his sobs. "There's nothing you can do."

Suddenly he stood and screamed in anguish as his spine began to break. His screams were so deafening that Caroline thought his vocal cords would be damaged. She heard the painful breaks, wincing with each snap.

"Get out!" He sobbed, unable to hold them back any longer.

But Caroline would not leave, "No!"

"Get out! I don't want to hurt you."

Even in agony, he didn't want to hurt her, which was enough for her as she moved closer and closer. Tyler's eyes widened at her action, and he moved back, even as more bones broke, but Caroline was adamant. Soon the chains were tight, and he could not move any further; Caroline's arms encircled him, and she held on.

He struggled to push her away, but her strength outdid his painful, weakened one. "No!" He tried to push her away, but she held firm, "No!"

Soon, her stubbornness outdid his overprotectiveness, and he fell into her, sobbing as the pain became overwhelming. Finally, he looked up at her, wet from sweat and salty tears falling down his face, "You know, you're either the greatest friend in existence or an absolute idiot."

Caroline laughed tearfully, using the top of his damp head to hide her tears, "Tell me what you think when we get out of here later." She stroked his hair, "It's okay. You'll fight through it, okay?"

Suddenly his body began to spasm all over, and bones broke into multiple places; Tyler, somehow, this was it. Whatever comfort Caroline gave him was pushed to his mind, and he pushed her away with all the strength he could, "Leave!"

Caroline fell back, surprised at his strength but argued, "No!"

"Just go!"

Despite his begging. Caroline couldn't leave, "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Yet it was too late. The bones snapped into place, and Tyler fell to the ground in a heap. It became frighteningly quiet, Caroline shifted slightly, and Tyler's body flinched. Caroline wondered if it was all over, she opened her mouth and stuttered out, "T-Tyler?"

Quicker than Caroline thought possible, Tyler spun. Caroline scrambled back just in time for Tyler to lunge at her, fangs bared and eyes yellow. She ran back and threw the gate shut just as Tyler lunged again, the chains doing their job. Caroline had just sealed the door when Tyler rushed to the gate. The metal strained at his power.

Caroline sobbed, seeing Tyler's transformation complete. But he was different than Mason. As soon as Mason changed, he seemed to slowly calm down. Yet Tyler was only becoming more and more agitated. Caroline opened her mouth to try and comfort him when she paused, and the realization hit her harder than expected. Her. She was the reason for his agitation. They were enemies. He could sense she was the enemy.

Slowly moving back, she turned and ran out of the cellar, her whispered apology hanging heavy in the air.


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