Chapter 25 - Don't insult me with my weakest kill

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Damon walked into the house without knocking; he only saw Stefan, "How the hell is she missing? We just saved her life."

"That's what we all want to know, Damon," Jenna groaned, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

Damon opened his mouth when he froze and pointed between Bonnie and Sheila, "Look, it's the absconders. Back to hurt more people that loved you?"

While Sheila rolled her eyes, Bonnie scowled at him, "Damon. I'm sad to see you're still alive."

Damon rolled his shoulders at the insult. He leaned down and smiled sweetly at her, "It's hard to find a friend who's cute, loving, generous, sexy, caring, and smart... it's tough to let me go. I'm a keeper."

"Damon," Stefan only said, and it had the elder brother standing up straight.

"I'm just playing," Damon carelessly shrugged, stepping back from Bonnie with a slight pout. "I missed this, Bon Bon."

"Damon," Stefan called again, and when his brother looked at him, he said, "Elena. This has Katherine written all over it."

Damon screwed up his face at the notion, "Katherine's in the tomb."

"Katherine also warned us," Stefan rebutted.

"Everything she says is a lie," Damon groaned, "How are we supposed to know if she's gonna start spouting out the truth?"

Bonnie stood up, "Well, if she warned you, we have to go talk to her."

"You don't get a say," Damon shot back at her and pointed between her and Sheila. "You two did a Forrest Gump and ran away as far as you could while we fought."

"That's not fair," Bonnie cried and looked down to her grandmother, but Sheila only shook her head and pulled Bonnie down.

"You don't have to answer to him, baby," Sheila consoled Bonnie.

"No, you don't," Damon scowled. "You answer to Aella, whose heart you both broke. But she'll forgive you; that's the kind of person she is."

Jenna sighed heavily, "Damon, please."

He held up his hands innocently and walked back to his brother, "We go to the tomb? Let me tell you how that's gonna go: We're gonna go ask her for help, she's gonna negotiate her release, which we're gonna be dumb enough to give her, and she's gonna get out and kill us! This is exactly what she wants!"

Stefan agreed. Katherine would use their plight to her gratification, "So, who do you think took her?"

"Someone from Katherine's past," Damon admitted what he'd thought since he got Stefan's call. "She said she was running from someone. They obviously got the wrong girl." He looked around, realizing how quiet it was, "Where's pixie?"

"She's here," Aella answered, running into the room, her hands full.

Sheila rose as Aella placed her items on the table, "You're going to trace her?"

Aella nodded, spreading out the map of Virginia, hoping to hell Elena was still in their state. Bonnie saw the items and frowned, "How? Jeremy's not here."

"He's not needed for this spell," Sheila told Bonnie before looking at Aella. "Do you have everything?"

Aella nodded shortly, "You always told me to be prepared."

Jenna worried her lip, "This will help us find Elena?"

"Yes," Sheila smiled, watching as Aella lit the candles and placed Elena's brush near. "Aella will see first if she's in Virginia, and then we can pinpoint using closer maps."

An Elemental Difference - FIRE - Book 2 (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now